Minutes - 20031030
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20031030
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Agenda - 10-30-2003
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Kenneth Chaviaus asked Jack Smyre if he specifically heard this from the Town Board and <br />Jack Smyre said that they have not heard it to the contrary. Commissioner Jacobs said that <br />the applicants would hear it to the contrary from the Board of County Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked who widened NC 54 when Meadowmont was developed and <br />Jack Smyre said that Meadowmont did the widening. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked why they would not be widening old NC 86. Jack Smyre said <br />that they do not have enough right of way, but they would not be averse to this. They do not <br />control enough of the right-of-way corridor to da anything. They would like to make sure this <br />road stays on the TIP and is funded for right-of-way acquisition. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about public transportation and said that it would seem a good <br />opportunity to have a park and ride lot. Jack Smyre agreed. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked Craig Benedict how to calculate park and open space for an <br />C7range County development. Craig Benedict said that when there is an acreage dedication <br />based on the amount of units, it is approximately 1/20 of an acre per unit. For 400 units, it <br />would be approximately 20 acres. <br />Jack Smyre said that, outside the residential parcel, they have 17 acres proposed for pocket <br />parks. They are not looking at this as a subdivision; it is an EDD. They expect it to be <br />urban and they understand that the mission is an increase in tax base. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that Jack Smyre had mentioned that they were not averse to <br />developing one of the areas as a park. Jack Smyre said if they built it someone else would <br />have to maintain it. <br />Mark Sheridan asked about the zoning on the property and the general parameters of <br />development on this property if the zoning in place is what was utilized. <br />Commissioner Carey left at 8:25 p.m. <br />Orange County Planning Director Craig Benedict said that this section of the EDD was a <br />mixed-use component, which anticipated a lot of retaiUoffice. The quadrants on the <br />southeast portion were non-residentialtflex space/office. The residential component was a <br />medium density, with 4-8 units per acre. <br />b. The Preserve <br />Craig Benedict said that The Preserve is north of Hillsborough near Pathways Elementary. <br />It is 465 acres. There are na formal development proposals for this property. A lot of <br />developers and consultants have been looking at the feasibility of this area. The underlying <br />property owner, Mr. Edwards, has looked at the soils on the map and is looking at a yield <br />plan. A yield plan is what the land can handle in regards to water and septic. There are <br />approximately 271 units on the conceptual plan and 35°1° open space because of the <br />unusable soils. The goal is that any proposal this size would have to go through a rezoning <br />process. <br />Craig Benedict said that with their courtesy review, Hillsborough would not be questioned <br />about water and sewer until further into the process. <br />Mark Sheridan asked if 271 units were contemplating individual septic systems on each lot <br />or a community sewer system. Craig Benedict said that this is individualized septic lots. <br />
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