Orange County NC Website
------_ -- --_ .. .._..._.__ 2012-2017 Orange Covnty Masfer Aging Plan <br />_ _ .. _. _ _ __~ ~~...._ <br />__... . . ~_. _ _ . ... .__. _ <br />_~ ~ ._ ._ _......... ___. _. __ __._.._._. <br />25. Town of Chapel Hill. EZ rider. Updated 201 1. Available at chapel- <br /> aspxZpage=1550. Accessed 17 April 2012. <br />26. Mckenzie J. Chapter 6: Mission statements, goals, and objectives. In: McKenzie J, Neiger B, Thackery <br />R, eds. 4th ed. Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Health Promotion Programs: A Primer. London: <br />Benjamin Cummings; 2005; 127-142. <br />27. Care for Elders. Healthy IDEAS: Addressing depression in older adults. Updated 2010. Available at <br />htt : www.careforelders orq/%28X%281 %29S%28zlq3hv4503crdy55yi3ekhnq%29%29/default <br />.aspx?menuqroup=healthyideas8~AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport-1. Accessed 1 April 2012. <br />28. Town of Hillsboro. Parking 8~ transportation. Updated n.d. Avpilable at <br />http://www,ci.hillsborough nc us~content/parking transportation. Accessed 1 April 2012. <br />29. United We Ride. Mobility management. Updated 2007. Available at <br />http://www.unitedweride qov~Mobility Manaqement Brochure pdf. Accessed 1 April 2012. <br />30. Program of all-inclusive care for the elderly (PACE). Updated n.d. Available at <br />http: www,medicaid qov/Medicaid-CHIP-Program Information~By Topics~Long Term Services and <br />Support/Inteqratinq-Care/Proclram-of-All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly PACE~Program of All <br />Inclusive-Care-for-the-Elderly-PACE html. Accessed 1 April 2012. <br />31. Stephen Ministries. What is stephen ministry? Updated 2012. Available at <br />http:/,www.stephenministries org~stephenministry/default cfm~917. Accessed 2 April 2012. <br />61 <br />