Orange County NC Website
2012-2017 Orange County Master Aging Plan <br />_......_..__._...._............ <br />Goal 7: Promote an adequate direct care workforce for an aging <br />population and opportunities for older workers. <br />Objective 7.1: Promote increased opportunities and rewards for professional training in <br />aging issues relevant to Orange County. <br />^ Strotegy 7.1.1: Promote opportunities for professional healthcare providers (nurses, pharmacists, <br />social workers, physician assistants, etc.) and students to learn more about aging-related issues. <br />Indicator Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) sponsored continuing education <br />trainings offered for healfh professionals related to aging issues, such as end of life care, <br />fear of reporting falls, how to work with patients with dementia, etc. <br />I.nd_icator..____.__7._l..l._b: Aging program and services information distributed to health <br />professionals in the county, especially primary care physicians. <br />Indicator___7..1..1_c: Resources and class announcements about UNC Certificate in Aging <br />made available to public health, allied health, and social work students at UNC. <br />Indicator 7.t.ld: Outreach conducted to high school, technical school, and college faculty <br />to raise awareness of aging-related careers and training opportunities. <br />Agencies Responsible: Depnrtment on Aging, in collaboration with Chapel Hill and <br />Durham Eldercare Resources; AHEC; UNC Schools of Public Health, Medicine, Nursing and <br />Social Work; UNC Institute on Aging; UNC Center for Aging and Health; Carol Woods <br />Retirement Community <br />^ Strateqy 7.1.2: Promote increased recognition for direct services workers and employers providing <br />services to older adults. <br />Indicator__..7..1...2a.: Establishment of a countywide recognition program for direct care <br />workers. <br />Indicator 7.1.2b: Establishment of a countywide recognition program for supportive <br />employers of direct care workers who pay them a living wage and advocate for their <br />involvement in patient care decision-making. <br />Indicator 7.1.2c: Provision of educational workshops and support groups for direct care <br />workers. <br />Agencies Responsible: Department on Aging, Triangle J Area Agency on Aging, <br />Department of Social Services, AHEC, community colleges, Direct Care Workers <br />Association of North Carolina <br />43 <br />