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John Link said that the County Attorney should also look at to what extent the County <br />can prevail with expectations upon boards of non-profits in terms of how they operate. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested that there be a qualification for new construction and <br />developing some environmental standards (efficient use of water, etc.}. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Chair Brown made reference to the Northern Human Services Center. She said that <br />there are legitimate reasons for why the center is at the place that it is now. <br />John Link said that the Board is making incremental positive movement forward on the <br />building front and the park front. The question is, as it relates to money, how to fund the <br />building. The park is funded. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked for clarification on tier one projects and Budget Director <br />Donna Dean explained. <br />Rod Visser said that they were asking for guidance from the Board about its priorities. <br />Chair Brown said, regarding the Northern center, that the Board is waiting for a report <br />back from the architect. There are some things that could be done this year such as enclosing <br />the breezeway, revamping office space, and upgrading sinks. <br />Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam Jones said that attachment ten is the <br />proposal from Mike Nicklas and it would be helpful to correlate the items that the Board wants to <br />pursue with this proposal. <br />Commissioner Gordan said that she found the information in the packet fragmented and <br />she asked for a priority listing and a possible phasing. Also, she does not understand how this <br />fits into the debt capacity. <br />Rod Visser said that the staff wanted to hear the Board's priorities and then they would <br />go back and crunch the numbers for the debt capacity. <br />Chair Brown said that they have the money to go ahead with the park and to expand <br />athletic facilities. Then the office space could be redone to make it more efficient and then later <br />we can redo the library and the computer lab. Also, the daycare could be consolidated atone <br />end to make it mare efficient. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he would like to wait and see how much the grant is. <br />He would be hesitant to enclose the breezeway because Mike Nicklas may have something else <br />in mind. <br />Chair Brown asked if the Board wanted to use Innovative Designs to develop energy <br />saving systems for the building. The proposal from the staff does not involve energy savings. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that this would be a wise investment. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />put the proposal from Mike Nicklas, from Innovative Designs, on the consent agenda. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Jacobs agreed with Commissioner Gordon in that he would like to know <br />the debt capacity before making decisions. <br />Chair Brown said that the Northern Human Services Center is on the priority list to do as <br />soon as possible. <br />John Link said that the County will be able to finance the Northern center once they <br />know the numbers. He said that since the citizens are interested in moving forward, he thinks <br />that decisions on the cafeterialkitchen will need to be made next year. The interest in the <br />community has been a large meeting area with a kitchen. <br />Chair Brown asked to put a placeholder for this kitchen/cafeteria in the numbers. <br />3. Animal Shelter <br />John Link said that they need to find a location and build a new shelter by 2006. The <br />question is how much money to set aside and over what period of time. <br />