Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses <br /> Section 5.10: Standards for Telecommunication Facilities 44 <br /> requirements, WhiGh a#eGt the appearanGe of the proposed wireless <br /> SUPPOFt StFUGtUFe, sueh as lighting and coloring. <br /> Draft bond whiGh will guarantee the FeFneval of the wireless support <br /> strr rotr rre in the event that it is abandoned or unused rsed for a period of 17 <br /> i97--- <br /> 4 000 feet of the paroel and addressed fire+slaGG starnped envelopes to <br /> w*th SeGtiE)Rs 2.7.5 and 2.7.6 of this OFdinaRGe. <br /> to the ba"GGR test along with GGIGF photographs fFGFn VaFiGUS IGGatiep's <br /> TI�€yidenGe that the ba <br /> Rotarized statement apd listing of the property owners notified of the test, <br /> Gertified mail returned FeGeipts freFn the mail out. <br /> r�—A notarized staternea++ at the sign p06tiRg requiFeen+ has ,eeR met. <br /> (k) Photographs of a dearly visible balleoR floated at the proposed tpwer <br /> 1GGatiE)R to the maxiR;um height of the tower, as well as photographs with <br /> showing what the proposed toweF will 1 like. <br /> areas, histnrin sites roadways, innhrrinn snepis r ars aAd m <br /> Staff to assess the visual iFnpaGt of the proposed lower. <br /> faGility and its equiprrient Will GGMPIY with all federal, state and lGGal <br /> emission reg: irements <br /> (m) AR AppliGant may be required to submit an EnvirGRn;ental Assessment <br /> v.::.�_:_:: :_yaw::v:::�::: <br /> ARalysis andd aa.Visual uvdeRdumrr Rg;rSerd en the results of the A -al sic <br /> more detailed visual analysis. The GGope of reed €av-irORMeettar <br /> Cnd Visual Assessment will he revi-erd at the pre anpl-nation meeting <br /> ra v�vaui-rz�'sJC°.s7onTCnr�in-vc-r <br /> (R) if required a Visual lmpaGt Ace-sessmeRt, v,h iGh shall i GlU <br /> (i) --A."Zone of Visibility Map" shall be provided rd-crt�determine <br /> (ii) Panorama photo -som.-H-latup-Ins of the proposed v.girele-s'-; suppGFt <br /> struoture, superimposed on the existing lanassape, t Ga;e <br /> State highways and other rnqj9F Foad6; State and !GG@l parks; <br /> tither public lands; hl:storl:o distritet • nrese.nT4Ce,0 and historiosites <br /> normally open to the PublffiG; and from any other Ieratiep where. <br /> the cite is visible to nurnbeFof visitors, travelers or <br /> v <br /> residents <br /> rc.�rvcrn <br /> An assessment of the visual impact of the Wireless support <br /> and adjacent properties and streets shall he non idered to <br /> determine the peed of snreeninn <br /> Orange County, North Carolina-Unified Development Ordinance Page 5-105 <br />