Orange County NC Website
24 <br /> 1 Commissioner Jacobs asked Frank Clifton if he had any sense from Durham that they <br /> 2 would charge different if it was just Orange County versus the towns. <br /> 3 Frank Clifton said not at this time. The first priority is to have a destination and the <br /> 4 second priority is the cost. <br /> 5 Commissioner Jacobs made an amendment to the motion to direct staff to proceed with <br /> 6 Durham to accept Orange County's waste but also ask staff to similarly get cost estimates if the <br /> 7 current partners were to participate with the County. <br /> 8 Commissioner McKee accepted the amendment. <br /> 9 Commissioner Gordon suggested pursuing this agreement with Durham and having <br /> 10 staff come back with parameters. <br /> 11 Commissioner Jacobs wants to know if the County bundles trash with the municipalities <br /> 12 if it would get a better price. <br /> 13 Commissioner Hemminger seconded the motion. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 16 <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Chair Pelissier suggested sending a letter to the towns letting them know that the <br /> 19 County is not negotiating on behalf of the towns. <br /> 20 Commissioner Foushee said that she wants to talk about the next steps. She said that it <br /> 21 is time for Orange County to have a real discussion about what happens to material solid waste <br /> 22 and to engage with the towns and UNC as to where the trash goes. She suggested that UNC <br /> 23 should be one of the partners. <br /> 24 Commissioner Yuhasz said that it is incumbent upon the County to find the right place to <br /> 25 put the trash in the County. He said that it is a problem that is not going away. <br /> 26 Commissioner McKee said that there is a mobile home park beside the rural buffer and <br /> 27 this is a neighborhood just as much as any of the other neighborhoods that are represented <br /> 28 here. He said that the County needs to be responsible for its own trash and they need to look <br /> 29 at options with their partners if they wish to bring forth a site on the town's property or UNC. He <br /> 30 is not willing to look at this rural buffer site for a transfer station. <br /> 31 Commissioner Gordon asked about the letter to the towns and what it would say. It <br /> 32 needs to be clear that the County will not be negotiating for the towns. She wants to leave it <br /> 33 open for the partners to join at any time. <br /> 34 Chair Pelissier said that the letter would say that the County would negotiate on Orange <br /> 35 County's behalf and they would want to know what the costs are to the partners and UNC. The <br /> 36 letter would ask the partners if they were willing to join in on the negotiations. <br /> 37 Commissioner Gordon said that before there could be any consideration of this site, it <br /> 38 would be only fair to have another comprehensive and deliberative process because that was <br /> 39 the type of process used when the Board was considering other sites. She said that she does <br /> 40 have grave concerns about this particular site. <br /> 41 Commissioner Hemminger echoed what Commissioner Gordon said. At this point, she <br /> 42 does not agree with the process because it has not been public. The process needs to include <br /> 43 the partners involved. She does not like the Durham Transfer Station option either, but it had to <br /> 44 be done. <br /> 45 Commissioner Jacobs thanked Mayor Chilton for making an attempt to be a leader. He <br /> 46 thinks that Mayor.Chilton has been diligent in trying to work on the solid waste issues. He does <br /> 47 disagree with the conclusion, but he appreciates his effort. He reminded the Board that <br /> 48 Commissioner Moses Carey, when he was the Chair in 2007, sent a letter to the Mayors of <br /> 49 Chapel Hill and Carrboro to solicit interest in participating in a solid waste disposal solution and <br /> 50 pointed out that it would be costly to not have a solution. There was never a response. He <br />