Orange County NC Website
27 <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that she wants to understand more about 15-501 and explore it <br /> more, but not in the formal process. <br /> Commissioner Gordon clarified what the Board had decided:Approve #4 of the decision points; <br /> approve part of #5 (a and b only which involves carrying only the C-2 option forward); and #6, <br /> first line only. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs suggested that in the "whereas" statements on page 35 that C-1 be taken <br /> out altogether. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 5; Nays, 2 (Commissioner Yuhasz and Commissioner McKee) <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that his "no" vote is against this particular technology and this <br /> particular plan and not against transit. <br /> The approved resolution which Commissioner Gordon is to take to the DCHC-MPO TAC <br /> meeting on February 8, 2012 is given below. <br /> RESOLUTION TO APPROVE <br /> THE LOCALLY-PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE (LPA) FOR THE DURHAM- <br /> ORANGE COUNTY TRANSIT CORRIDOR <br /> February 8, 2012 <br /> A motion was made by TAC Member_and seconded by TAC Member_for the adoption of <br /> the following resolution, and upon being put to a vote, was duly adopted. <br /> WHEREAS, the Special Transit Advisory Commission (STAC) recommendations in May 2008 <br /> included rail transit extending from Raleigh to Durham to Chapel Hill; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Durham-Chapel-Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) <br /> incorporated the STAC rail transit into the adopted 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan in <br /> April 2009; and <br /> WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Assembly approved the Congestion Relief/Intermodal <br /> Transport bill in August 2009 that enables local areas to fund public transportation through an <br /> increase in sales tax, car registration fees and special district property taxes; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Triangle Transit Authority (TTA) implemented the Triangle Regional Transit <br /> Program in 2010 to study the financial, ridership, environmental and public input aspects of <br /> regional bus and rail transit, and subsequently conducted a visioning process and Transitional <br /> Analysis to study rail corridors in Durham, Orange, and Wake counties, and <br /> WHEREAS, the TTA completed an Alternatives Analysis on the three highest-performing <br /> corridors that included the Durham-Orange corridor in July 2011 and issued an Addendum to the <br /> "Detailed Definition of Alternatives Technical Report" in August 2011 which clarified that <br /> reasonable alternatives to the proposed alignments crossing the Little Creek and New Hope <br /> Creek areas will be studied; and <br /> WHEREAS, the TTA and the DCHC MPO have both conducted comprehensive public <br /> involvement activities, which included public workshops, public hearings and presentations to <br /> local elected boards, for the visioning process, Transitional Analysis and Alternatives Analysis; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, light rail transit technology has a greater potential to promote economic growth <br /> and focus transit-supportive development around station areas as compared to bus rapid <br /> transit technology; and <br />