Minutes - 20031023
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20031023
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like Wake County. However, we know that Orange County has not established a <br />reputation that people like to pay higher taxes for education. Future new residents will <br />choose to live in Cary, Apex, ar other cities instead of here far comparable education. <br />At the same time, I think other Orange County residents may choose to leave to avoid a <br />high tax. Secondly, I think the idea of a school merger is more like money problem <br />rather than improved education. The topic of school merger started the concept of <br />equalizing each student funding countywide. The factor is each student will receive <br />equal amount of money from the County. Chapel Hill schools get more money because <br />Chapel Hill residents pay a special district tax. So in order to fill this gap between the <br />school systems, I think there are other solutions to explore. I oppose this merger also <br />because both systems have developed their awn features that are different, but they are <br />very good. I love this country because they respect and accept the differences. I <br />request that the County Commissioners to allow Chapel Hill and Orange County schools <br />keep their own differences. I am strongly against the merger. Thank you for your time. <br />Nancy Belding: Thank you for letting me speak. As a parent of two Orange County <br />students, I would like to speak tonight in favor of fair funding for Orange County schools. <br />We have many resources in our system, including excellent and involved parents, but <br />we do need funding far our schools that will offer our children appropriate educational <br />opportunities. These are not things like learning to speak Hungarian. These are <br />appropriate things that we need including a number of reading resource teachers, <br />nurses, guidance counselors, and social workers. Foreign language teachers have <br />already been mentioned. Adequate funding in the County system will always be difficult <br />because of our decreased tax base, which was presented, tonight in the opening <br />statements of why we do have problems. The areas of open land use protect the water <br />resources for Orange County and the Chapel Hill community as well as the Carrboro <br />community. The special district tax in Chapel Hill will always limit the amount per pupil <br />that the Orange County students can receive without over funding Chapel Hill students. <br />We already have some merging of resources in Orange County and Chapel Hill and <br />Carrboro. The school building projects are typically paid for through countywide bonds. <br />Over the next ten years, one projection I saw showed that the Chapel Hill-Carrboro <br />school system will need $99 million to fund new school buildings while Orange County <br />will need $20 million. As a citizen of Orange County, our tax dollars, 8Q percent of <br />those will go to fund Chapel Hill schools. Anticipation of change and unknown can be <br />nerve wracking for all of us. But rather than dwell on unfounded worries such as long <br />distance bussing, let us focus on the important issues and improving the quality of all <br />the schools within the County and City schools. Thank you. <br />Dianyou Hu: Good evening. I am strongly against the merger. May I ask if anybody is <br />opposed to merger, would you please stand? I came here to speak on behalf of my <br />family and my neighbors and my friends who cannot make it here tonight. While we live <br />in Chapel Hill Chapel Hill is in Orange County, so we also consider us residents of <br />Orange County. So we are proud of being in Orange County, we are proud of living in <br />Chapel Hill. We consider that Orange County and the school system area two very <br />different school systems -City system and County system. Each with its own academic <br />programs to accommodate a quality education to all the students in the County. Did <br />
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