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been stated by others in the past weeks. Quite honestly, at this point, I am confused by <br />the actions ar inactions of the Board of County Commissioners and am somewhat <br />disappointed. I've been a resident of Orange County far over 20 years. I love living <br />here. One of the truly wonderful aspects of life here has been a caring and responsible <br />local government. The Board has consistently guided our County in a thoughtful and <br />deliberate manner. We wrestle with issues involving land use, the environment, <br />taxation and fiscal issues, health care and social service issues, and educational <br />matters in tireless and in a fair and equitable way. You've always supported the public <br />schools. You spend a higher percentage of our County budget in the schools than any <br />other County in North Carolina. I commend you far your support and service. After the <br />hearing last week, I was encouraged by comments attributed by Board members in the <br />press. Commissioner Halkiotis greeted one speaker by saying, "We really need to have <br />informed decision making, not imposed decision making. And I think that cuts to the <br />heart of the matter." Commissioner Jacobs said, "People need to become acquainted <br />before they become married. There's not that kind of communication yet. You have to <br />first improve communication and understanding, and then you move into along-term <br />committed relationship. I think evolutionary change will be a lot easier to achieve than <br />revolutionary change." Commissioner Gordon said, "The bottom line forme is that we <br />do need to work on equality of funding and collaboration." Commissioner Brown noted, <br />"This is an educational process. We are trying to educate ourselves as <br />Commissioners." After last night's Board of County Commissioners' meeting, <br />Commissioner Jacobs is reported to have said in the paper today, "This Board needs to <br />take more control over the situation. There's a public vacuum in which we haven't <br />stated anything. We are a group that can offer same assurance if there is a method <br />here." Commissioner Brown said that, "We've been very deliberate about collecting this <br />information for eight months." Commissioner Gordon said, "It would be really helpful if <br />we could tell the public what the process is." Finally, Commissioner Halkiotis said, <br />"People are genuinely upset ar generally confused." Count me in. I'm genuinely upset <br />and generally confused. Commissioner Carey, whom I respect, has disappointed me <br />with his comments and actions. He first painted merger as a civil rights issue, an issue <br />of fairness and equity. That hurt. Last Monday, I heard him say on the radio that even <br />if the funding matter was resolved, he still wanted merger to occur. This time he <br />claimed it was a divisive community issue. Please, Mr. Carey, the only thing divisive at <br />this paint is dragging this process out any longer. Thank you very much. <br />Mark Peifer: Hi, I'm Mark Peifer, I have two daughters across the street at Grady <br />Brown, and I, like Patrick and some of the other people here, think it's a terrific school. <br />I'd like to thank the Commissioners in contrast to what the previous speaker said, far <br />actually doing something that I don't think most political bodies would do today -take <br />on an issue where, I think we'd all agree, the majority of the residents in both parts of <br />the County oppose a merger. But taking an an issue that may be right and thinking <br />about it in a very serious way. I think we should focus for a moment on the things that <br />we all agree on. The fact that we're all here in this room today is an indication that we <br />all feel that our children's education is the future far Orange County and it's everybody's <br />tap priority. We all agree on that. The second thing that I think we all agree an, and I <br />certainly do from my own background, is that every child should have the opportunity to <br />