Orange County NC Website
opportunities that both County and City students have, in attempt to reach consensus, a <br />consensus that would be best far all students. We are joining together to bring greater <br />understanding to this issue and hope that others will also move toward working together <br />to solve this issue for the benefit of all students. <br />Ronglin Vllang: Well, I don't speak English well, and if you have a problem <br />understanding speech......... I am here tonight to voice my objection to the proposed <br />merger. That equal funding will yield equal performance is an untested assumption. <br />According to North Carolina Educational Alliance 2002 Report, U. S. per student <br />expenditure ranks the highest in the world, and its performance is on the bottom of the <br />21 most developed countries. In North Carolina itself, there is a three-fold difference in <br />the cost benefit per ratio among all the school districts. While an idealistic philosophy <br />will only serve to kill the center of excellence. This proposed merger to me is nothing <br />more than a massive transfer of wealth from the City schools to the County schools. <br />The quality and the reputation of Chapel Hill-Carrboro schools even the perceived <br />devaluation of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro schools will have disastrous consequences to <br />the City, to the County, and to all the communities nearby. So in the end, we are all <br />going to lose. Thanks. <br />Sarah Ringel: Hi. I'm Sarah Ringel, an Orange County resident who attended <br />Glenwood Elementary School in Chapel Hill decades ago, and am now a mother of <br />triplet fourth graders at New Hope Elementary in Orange County, and I'm a local <br />Hillsborough family doctor. I've been really happy with New Hope. The teachers, staff, <br />and principal are great. It's clear that everyone there has one main priority -the best <br />education for all of our children. I challenge you to also hold this priority highest as you <br />weigh your options. We citizens want you to lead us to a better future for our children. <br />We want you to do the right thing, to be open minded and caring. We want you to forget <br />about yourselves and your future and think of what's best for all of the children involved. <br />I've pondered this situation we're in and realize there are no easy answers. It seems <br />clear to me that the solution must permanently solve the unequal funding of our two <br />school systems. It must continue to support the education of the diverse population our <br />County is fortunate to contain, hopefully facilitating individual students to pursue a style <br />of learning which best meets their needs, not one which suits their neighbors. It must <br />be efficient and affordable. It must set our County up to be able to best adapt to the <br />many challenges we are likely to face in the future. The solution cannot be so complex <br />that it is mare expensive than our current structure. It cannot only band-aid the problem <br />so we have to keep repeating this discussion. Obviously, that's happened before. It <br />cannot ignore needs of groups of children. I feel that the only solution, which will fit <br />these criteria, is merger. I realize that it requires courageous leadership on your part. <br />Knowing that you are deciding to take a direction in which many disagree with, but you'll <br />be able to sleep well at night knowing that you did the right thing. Our children will <br />benefit and you'll be designing a system to best serve the future of our whole County. <br />Thank you for listening and serving us in these difficult times. Thank you. <br />Karl Knapp: I'd like to comment on several statements that have been made during <br />the merger debate. In one of its fliers, Fair Funding in County Schools stated that the <br />