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the County. Last week a speaker asked us why don't we just move to Chapel Hill? And <br />the answer is because of that little boy and hundreds like him. Because our teachers <br />need parents who can volunteer, who can give attention where they can't? Mostly, <br />because I want my children to be in classrooms that reflect the real world -messy, <br />poverty, and all. Because we love our homes and our communities and our hearts don't <br />stop at the rural buffer. Our friends say, "But you knew the schools were lousy when <br />you moved there. Yau chose the long bus rides. You can afford a bigger house in the <br />County." I chose the County schools because I know education starts at home, and I <br />know my children will always be fine. I want them to sit alongside others who are less <br />fortunate. I want them to share. I want them to help others. Same parents aren't here <br />tonight because they don't have enough money for gas, ar they're working a night shift <br />as a second job, or they aren't even aware of this conversation because they have <br />troubles of their own. These kids ride busses the longest. They are the first ones on at <br />6:15 in the morning and they ride for an hour or more. Then they get to school where <br />they get free breakfast, because they didn't get it at home. Those are some tax dollars <br />well spent. I'm sorry so much of this debate has come dawn to the haves and have- <br />nots. I look forward to the day when all grownups in this auditorium agree that it's time <br />to give equal opportunities to all the children in the County. Thank you. <br />Eleanor Allison: My name is Eleanor Allison; I live on Night Farm Road in Chapel Hill. <br />I have two kids that ga to Grady Brawn School. My kids are closer to McDougle School. <br />It takes about 15 minutes to get to McDougle. And my kids are an the bus for about 4Q <br />minutes going to Grady A. Brown. I would prefer them to continue going to the Orange <br />County School because it's a great school to go to. The Grady A. Brawn has a reading <br />recovery program, which is a great program because both of my kids was in the reading <br />recovery in first grade and it helped them with their reading. We need funding far the <br />program to continue because we didn't get it this year. But if the school merged, we will <br />still have to pay more taxes, and the Chapel Hill schools will pay less tax, which is not <br />fair. We need equal funding for both schools. The children are our future, so why not <br />give an equal funding for both schools? I feel that if we merge the school system, our <br />kids will get lost in the system. Thank you. <br />Christopher McLaurin: Hi. My name is Christopher McLaurin, and I'm the Chapel Hill <br />High School Student Government President. The student government at Chapel Hill <br />High School has taken the official stance that until more information is gathered and <br />more input from students is received, the County Commissioners should delay any vote <br />an merger. At last week's public forum at Chapel Hill High School I shared with you that <br />many students feel that they have not been given a real opportunity to share their <br />feelings and views on merger. This is a major problem seeing that students will be most <br />affected. I am a senior, sa any change to the current setup will not affect me. However, <br />I feel that this is a major issue that requires more reflection and therefore, no decision <br />should be made until all factors have been considered. I would like you all to know that <br />the Chapel Hill High School Student Government is in the process of contacting the <br />Student Government for the other three high schools in an attempt to get together and <br />talk about this issue. The purposes of such a meeting would be to share more <br />information about our respective school systems, understand the challenges and <br />