Minutes - 20031023
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20031023
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it. The House could either modify the current merger statute, or pass a local act to allow <br />a referendum. No Commissioner ran on a platform of merger. If you choose to proceed <br />with a possible merger, then you should find a way to hold a referendum. Would those <br />in the audience who agree please quietly stand? I again ask Mr. Carey to post a list of <br />perceived social injustices, and I'll be back on December 4t" to ask again. In closing, <br />ask you to fund ACS appropriately. Merger has not been justified and at risk are two <br />very good school systems and a whole lot of bussing. We want a vote. <br />Patrick Mulkey: Good evening. My name is Patrick Mulkey. Welcome to Cedar Ridge <br />High School. My wife Robin and I have a son here at Cedar Ridge, and our twin first <br />graders are across the road at Grady Brown. We are pleased with the education of our <br />children are receiving in the County school system. My most experienced viewpoint is <br />as a parent and a taxpayer. And from both viewpoints, I have the same questions. <br />Where da we stand with other counties in this State? I understand the figures given by <br />Mr. Visser, but I have some other ones also. The 2002-2003 budgets and tax survey <br />from the North Carolina County Commissioners Association is the most up to date one I <br />could find. The results show we are ranked number two out of 100 counties with the <br />amount of local dollars provided by the Commissioners. And that does not include the <br />district tax from the City system. Furthermore, according to the survey, the average <br />dollars provided by other Commissioners in the State is $1,056 per student. And we <br />received $2,491, which is a 235% more of the average. The reason I used this survey <br />is citizens here have very little input into any decisions made in Raleigh or Washington. <br />But you Commissioners have to live with us every day. Our students are not the only <br />group that will bear the impact of merger. Working families and those on fixed incomes <br />in the County will be greatly impacted by a substantial increase in property taxes and <br />will have to decide if they can afford to stay or leave. Our diversity will take a major step <br />backwards by merging and building a gated, I repeat, gated (Jrange County. Just look <br />at the cost of living in Chapel Hill and Carrboro versus the rest of the County. Is the City <br />district tax to blame for the shortfalls of the County school budget? Maybe a little. Are <br />our school boards communicating their needs clearly to you so you understand what the <br />requests will be used for? Probably not. The cold hard fact is the buck stops with you, <br />the County Commissioners. You five Commissioners decide what the property tax will <br />be, what the district tax will be, who will receive the monies. Some of you have been on <br />the BOCC for almost 20 years. If there are inequities in our schools due to funding <br />issues, they happened on your watch. Don't give me that buck passing excuse. Don't <br />give me that buck passing excuse that you give the school boards a chunk of money <br />and they decide haw to spend it. You control the purse strings. Merger is the easy <br />answer for lack of leadership. The Commissioners and both school boards need to <br />provide leadership, communication, and make tough decisions. Thank you. <br />John Dallara: Thank you. My name is John Dallara. I'm a citizen in Chapel Hill. I <br />guarantee you I'm not going to be as entertaining as the previous two speakers. I'm a <br />little new to the merger process, and I've learned a lot tonight and I appreciate all of the <br />effort, particularly of the Commissioners and the staff laying out this for those of us who <br />are new to this process. The things I've noticed I think are important for me as a Chapel <br />Hill resident living in the Chapel Hill school system, as I've noticed that our systems <br />
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