Orange County NC Website
PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />Chair Brown: Well, I hoped that helped everyone just get a basic knowledge. And that <br />is the report that the Commissioners asked for last January. And we're slowly, as you <br />can see, adding the frequently asked questions -those that we can answer factually, <br />and there's just questions we cannot answer. So we're trying to do the ones that we <br />can as quickly as possible. This meeting is being filmed and it will be shown on the <br />cable channels. A lot of people do get cable; if you don't, we can certainly make sure <br />that you get a copy of it if you would like ta. We also have our County staff that is able <br />to do a presentation if you have a group that would like to hear a presentation. If you <br />would call the County offices and just ask us, and we'll set something up on our <br />calendar to da so. And we also have the website we're getting lots of comments from, <br />and we appreciate that. And I think individually the Commissioners are getting lots of <br />interesting email, so we appreciate that too. I'm just going to start mixing up people on <br />the three sheets that I have. So far there are 60. I'm sure there will be more. They'll be <br />brought up to me. We had about 65 people speak last Thursday and it took us to <br />almost 11:00. So we want to make sure everyone gets to speak this evening. Sa I'd <br />like to call five people's names, and if you would came up here and just move on to the <br />podium to speak right there, that would be great, and just keep moving along with it. <br />She called up the ilrst lrve people. <br />Mark Peters: Yes. Hi again. I speak on behalf of the Seawell Elementary 5GC PTA <br />and Family Outreach Team. After researching the issues, hearing public comment, and <br />receiving input from our constituents, we are opposed to merger at this time. It is clear <br />that two primary problems need to be addressed. First, determining and providing an <br />appropriate level of funding for County schools and second, increasing collaboration <br />between the systems. Solving these two problems does not justify merging the school <br />systems. Seawell's parents and teachers are very concerned about the likely impact of <br />staffing and student reassignment due to our location. It is clear that citizens want a <br />voice and an informed decision about possible merger and are strongly against an <br />imposed merger. We continue to have the concerns we presented in the October 16tH <br />hearing. We will continue to study information as it becomes available. We endorse <br />Neil Pedersen's recommendations of October 9, 2003. I would briefly like to speak on <br />behalf of INFORM by telling you that the INFORM website is at And now <br />I'd like to speak for myself. <br />Most citizens in the community have expressed shock and outrage that a referendum is <br />not part of this process. In Appendix O of the County merger documents, the County <br />Attorney states that the law allows a straw vote referendum. However, in the County <br />presentation, it is stated that this is not allowed. I would like to know why this <br />interpretation changed. I spoke with Ms. Enscoe, our State House Representative. She <br />was not aware of any prohibition on anon-binding referendum. However, if there is a <br />prohibition, she informed me that the State House could entertain a motion in the short <br />legislative session to allow a referendum if at least four Orange Commissioners vote for <br />