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I.2 LBP planning process meets state plan requirements <br />I.2.a There is a strength/weakness analysis including methodology for building on <br />strengths and addressing and/or ameliorating weaknesses. <br />To accurately evaluate the relative strengths and weaknesses of the existing Area <br />Program, management initiated an extensive evaluation. The first step in this analysis was <br />to ensure that all stakeholders were given the opportunity to provide input into what they <br />liked about OPC Area Program and where the system could be improved. Consumers, <br />their families, local advocacy groups, staff, private service providers, public officials, <br />local citizens, public agencies such as Department(s) of Social Services, public school <br />systems, and Department(s) of Juvenile Justice, and hospitals have all been included in <br />this process and their input make up findings of this evaluation. <br />An independent consultant created a written survey and condu i terviews. Staff <br />stratified active OPC clients by age and disabiliry group. e cons ant prepared survey <br />instruments specific to each age and disability grou p x' ely 960 clients received <br />the survey instruments. The consultant also condu ted son 1 i terviews with clients to <br />allow for a more in depth exploration of r ev nt i su s. opi s f the surveys and the <br />consultant's full report are attached ~ <br />In addition to the work of thi c ult nt a e e t gather d~tata from other sources. <br />Staff conducted nu rous 'n e ze s an e r se tations of the state plan to a variety <br />o f groups. Wri tte s eys ere se to sta f f, co nity organizations and other <br />stakeholders. Surv y in in ar att ed cal Consumer and Family Advisory <br />Committee has m r gu ar si c Fe ry of 2002 and has provided extremely <br />valuable feedback n h s e g s weaknesses of the existing Area Program. Each <br />participating coun d i forums and County Commissioners are holding public <br />hearings on this pr pose business plan. <br />Findings identify strengths that we plan to integrate into the new system as well as <br />weaknesses that will require significant program modifications. For example, <br />stakeholders generally identified case management as a program strength, but described <br />problems related to service access, including crisis services. Our response is to create a <br />system that will dramatically simplify program access, facilitate crisis response and build <br />upon our strong case management services. This seamless system will not only help <br />people to easily access services, it will also provide the crucial ongoing support required <br />to prevent hospitalization. System details can be found in the Strategic Plan as well as <br />Chapter IV (Service Management) and Chapter V(Access to Care). <br />Stakeholders also identified several services they would like to see more of in the <br />community. Respite Services, ACT Teams, and Supported Living programs were all <br />identified as areas requiring resource development. Through the use of outcome driven <br />utilization management and performance based contracting, we intend to create a <br />provider network system that will encourage and reward the development of high quality <br />services. Again, details can be found in the Strategic Plan as well as Chapters III <br />(Qualified Provider Network Development) and Chapter IV (Service Management). <br />