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dependence for both our existing clients and any future clients transitioned from state-run <br />institutions to the communities served by the LME. <br />Our abilitv to successfullv implement the chan~es described in this business plan is <br />contin~ent unon two important factors First the best interest of our consumers will <br />alwavs be our primarv ~uidin~principle as we consider implementing an~ystem <br />refortns. If at anv noint we feel mandated chan~es are ne atively impacting t`peo le we <br />serve then our nlan will be immediatelv modified to nrevent anv harm Secondlv the <br />success of the LME svstem hin es completelv upon adequate funding All the ~oals and <br />obiectives set forth in this nlan are subiect to amendment if funding is deemed <br />insufficient. <br />As we move from an Area Program to a Local Management Entity Model, the way we <br />serve the community will change significantly. Feedback from unity Stakeholders <br />indicates that there are many people in target populations i eed o additional services. <br />Since OPC akeady spends very little on non-priority 'e and ince OPC has been a <br />leader in developing best practice model communi su s o r opportunities to <br />redeploy resources are not great. This ma s he ro ess of p'o ~tizing resources very <br />important. Our LME proposal envisions a oca ly ag d pu li process for evaluating <br />needs and outcomes, where fe ack 's r i ly tra sl into m dified action. <br />Consumers, families, stakeh lder lo a f ci ls ill all cipate actively in this <br />ongoing evaluation. ~ <br />A continuous pl in o e s i a n c ss t'n order to implement our vision and <br />we moved quickly e li i y to such a process. OPC created an active <br />Steering Committ e t a m e s n thly basis. Steering Committee Members include <br />a County Commis io fr O ange, Person and Chatham Counties, three County <br />Managers, the OP Are irector, the OPC Board Chair and the chair of the Consumer <br />and Family Advis ommittee. This group has provided important leadership in the <br />planning process. hey have facilitated the review of stakeholder input and have worked <br />to prepare the community and Area Program for the impending system transformations <br />and improvements. <br />Once the LME is initiated, three groups will assume the primary planning role. The OPC <br />Local Management Entity Board, County Government and the Consumer and Family <br />Advisory Committee will continuously monitor the system and recommend changes. <br />These three groups will oversee OPC from the perspective of intemal monitoring and self <br />improvement, elected official oversight and consumer-family "customer feedback", all <br />working together to ensure that the goals described in both our mission statement and <br />business plan are constantly being evaluated by the citizens we serve. <br />We view the State Plan and its system reforms as an important opportunity to improve <br />how we provide services to the people most in need. Although we anticipate challenges <br />along the way, we look forward to promoting a fully person-centered, efficient and <br />responsive system that the community will be proud to support. <br />2 <br />