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Crisis unit and Case Management unit of the LME. The coordinators will provide access, <br />crisis, case management and special therapy functions where possible and will assist the <br />unit staff when they are providing service directly to consumers. The LME will also <br />establish contracts with other LME's in the region. This will ensure Medicaid <br />reimbursement for services provided by the Regional Coordinators to consumers who <br />reside in other catchment areas. <br />i~II. DIVESTITURE AND TRANSITION ISSUES <br />A transition plan and checklist will be developed to help LME staff to identify current <br />consumers who do not meet the target population eligibility requirements. Appropriate <br />community resources will be identified and LME staff will provide individuals with the <br />necessary information and referrals. LME staff will work to ensure individuals are <br />transitioned in a thoughtful and appropriate manner. ~ <br />Community resource information will be compiled i a st tha will be available to all <br />staff and will also be made available on the LME ebsi . 's 'st will be updated on a <br />regular basis and will include contact info a ion or acc ssi : ealth services, financial <br />support, self-help and advocacy services, aith bas d e ices h eless support services, <br />Alcoholics Anonymous suppo , nd 11 o h~r a p p' res ur es. <br />The LME intends o~w6rk toward divesting from its current role as service provider <br />gradually over the course of the next three to five years. Programs that spin off from the <br />OPC system will be supported as much as possible during this transition. We are <br />currently examining specific ways of helping those agencies create the necessary <br />infrastructure they will need to succeed, while ensuring the integrity of free access to a <br />diverse qualified provider network. All plans and time tables for service divestiture are <br />subiect to immediate amendment if at any point it is determined that these chan e~ s are <br />not in the best interest of our consumers. We will be exQloring divestinQ ovtions that <br />mav include contracting out current services, transferring current functions to existing <br />a~encies or assistin~ in the creation of new entities. This is a com~licated~rocess and all <br />divestiture decisions will require careful consideration to ensure consumers are not <br />ne at~v impacted during this transition period. Like all comnonents of this business <br />plan, successful divesture is contin e~nt upon sufficient fundin~. Our divestiture plan is <br />subject to modification if the necessar ~~supnorts are deemed inadequate. A detailed <br />divestiture plan is being written and will be completed during the first quarter of fiscal <br />year 2004. <br />15 <br />11 <br />