Minutes - 20031021
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20031021
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8/14/2008 3:52:30 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:15:06 PM
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Agenda - 10-21-2003-
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Commissioner Gordon said that TTA is looking at a legislative agenda and trying to get <br />TTA projects funded. They want to get the rail project, phase one, into the President's fiscal <br />year 2005 budget request. At the federal level, they need a full funding grant agreement and <br />this has been held up. As far as the state legislative agenda, they need help on their exposure <br />and their liability legislation. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that because TTA has not yet received a federal full <br />funding grant agreement, they need another immediate source of funds to proceed with the <br />Phase I regional rail project. TTA wants the State to move up its appropriations of $71 million. <br />Right now TTA only has $30 million available. TTA is also looking at borrowing mechanisms. <br />She said that tomorrow they will vote on authorizing expenditure of funds to match an <br />advancement of State funds in anticipation of receiving a federal full funding grant agreement. <br />She said that TTA is also recruiting for a general counsel. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the school merger issue and said that the <br />Commissioners have been getting various financial scenarios about funding of a merger and <br />what has come up is the effect of merger on the tax rate. She said that there is a difference <br />between the tax rate and the tax bill. She said property owners in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City <br />School district will pay a little more but property owners in the Orange County School district will <br />pay a lot more. She explained how the tax rate and the tax base work together. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis suggested sending an expression of sympathy to the family of <br />Ed Caldwell who passed away. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that the Board had something to do with the design <br />approval for Churton Grove Plaza. He made reference to the eastern most entrance and exit to <br />that facility where there are only arrows in the road that say that you can only go to the right. He <br />was heading west on US 70 the other day and a Brinks truck came out and went over the <br />concrete barrier island because the driver realized he was going the wrong way. Also, there is <br />a bottleneck on the I-85 overpass by the new Wal-Mart. He would like to know the plan to <br />correct these situations before there are additional accidents. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that tonight in the news, it was reported that a developer in <br />Wake County is going to move a cemetery to build a development. He said that he would like <br />Commissioner Jacobs and Commissioner Carey to speak at the next work session about smart <br />growth. <br />Chair Brown made reference to the JPA meeting where a citizen brought to their <br />attention a safety problem with walking to Chapel Hill High School along Homestead Raad with <br />no sidewalks and with heavy traffic. She asked the Sheriff to look at this and there will be a <br />speed limit machine there and deputies will be there when children are walking. They are also <br />looking into DOT's long range planning for the upgrading of Homestead Road. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that having walkable schools is one aspect of smart growth. <br />Chair Brawn said that the Board asked the school boards to be part of this discussion <br />on how to make this a safe area for children to walk to school. <br />4. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT -NONE <br />5. RESOLUTIONS OR PROCLAMATIONS <br />Proclamation to Mark the 40th Anniversary of the Inter-Faith Council for Social <br />Service iIFC1The Board considered a proclamation recognizing the Inter-Faith Council for <br />Social Service (IFC) as it prepares to celebrate its 40t" anniversary of helping to provide a <br />"safety net" for people in need throughout the greater Chapel Hill and Carrboro community, <br />declaring October 2003 as "IFC Month", and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis read the proclamation. <br />
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