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who have spoken out against APS or even feedback that has been coming in the last year and <br />a half. She has never spoken to a member of the APS board and she has doubts about their <br />willingness to change until other concerns are addressed. <br />Commissioner Carey asked if the questions raised with APS make any difference in the <br />recommendation from staff. Ken Chavious said that he was only able to do so much within the <br />timeframe and one of the problems was simply not having enough information. He saw the <br />"after" but not the "before" and he needs to see that before he can give an ample assessment. <br />They did not have enough time to look into everything, especially when it involved a <br />reallocation. He does not know if it would make a difference in the recommendation. <br />John Link said that he asked Ken Chavious to identify the expenses as they relate to the <br />operation of the shelter and not to look at specific actions as they relate to personnel. <br />Ken Chavious said that he was sorry that APS took the report the way they did because he did <br />not mean any ill intention. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if the request for proposals could be worded so that the responder <br />could indicate the dates that they would be willing to da it -until June 30t" or longer. The other <br />idea is to have a third entity to operate the shelter other than Orange County. John Link said <br />that they could pursue this process. He is focused on the continuing operation of the shelter <br />between now and the end of June. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like to hear on November 18t" what has happened to <br />volunteerism since the County has taken over the rescue squad. He thinks that volunteers have <br />been an important component of the APS at the shelters. He wants to keep volunteers in APS. <br />He would like to look at what happened at the rescue squad and see how that affected <br />volunteerism. <br />Commissioner Jacobs would also like to know how the County's $430,000 is spent <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he thought Commissioner Carey and Chair Brown were to work <br />on a proposal for a task force. He would rather not wait until December, which is what the <br />recommendation says. Chair Brown said that they could do that in November. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis verified that John Link is proposing option B. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis echoed what Commissioner Jacobs said about volunteerism. He does <br />not want to contribute to more bureaucracy. <br />Commissioner Carey said that they might want to consider looking at the volunteers at the <br />rescue squad but be careful not to expect too much since it has been less than a year. He <br />supports the Manager's recommendation. <br />Chair Brown asked Ann Peterson about the letter APS wrote and at what paint did APS decide <br />not to be in the partnership the County has with non-profits. The expectation with non-profits is <br />that the organizations work on their funding end also. She gets the sense that the APS does <br />not want to contribute anymore. <br />Ann Peterson said that there was misunderstanding that they assumed that in June that the <br />Board of County Commissioners knew that APS had been contributing a substantial amount to <br />