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2. Consider the analysis for additional funding and approval of additional funding in the <br />amount of $4,229 to the APS an a monthly basis through January 2004, because it <br />relates most directly to the desired operation of the Shelter as described by HSUS in <br />their report. <br />3. Should the Board decide to grant an increase in monthly funding to APS - as referenced <br />above -the Manager recommends that the increase be effective October 1, 2003. <br />4. Direct the County Manager to convey the Board's decision an additional funding to the <br />APS and request formal written response no later than November 5, 2003. <br />5. Approve the key components of the Request for Proposal, for Interim Animal Shelter <br />Management and Operation Services (Identified as 1-7 on page 3), with any <br />modifications or alterations as may be desired. <br />Public Comment: <br />Ann Peterson spoke an behalf of the Board of Directors of APS. They reviewed the County <br />staff's proposal, but have not had a chance to discuss it as a board. They will discuss it and <br />report back by the deadline of November 4t". They feel that the additional funding will help them <br />a great deal. The APS board members have individually agreed to pay for the after-hours <br />EARS program for Orange County out of their own personal funds, not APS funds, until they <br />see what the County's contractual arrangements will be with APS. They will try to keep <br />operating EARS as long as possible. She said that they acknowledge that they have spent too <br />much time being defensive instead of trying to mend fences and improving what needs to be <br />improved. They are committed to moving forward on a positive, open, and responsive basis. <br />She spoke about some of the changes being made: restructured board meetings to be more <br />open and responsive, looking at overall approach to APS membership, working on fundraising <br />and controlling operational costs, and working on restructuring the organization. They will <br />continue with mare changes. They ask that their sincerity and commitment be judged by their <br />actions. <br />APS Board member John Guibert said that he was not speaking on behalf of the board since he <br />did not have a chance to share with them his remarks. He made reference to Finance Director <br />Ken Chavious' review of the proposal and said that there are a number of statements that are <br />potentially misleading. He said that this is not because of any improper behavior or motive, but <br />he does not believe they were able to interact sufficiently to share information to allow the staff <br />to complete the review. He spoke to Ken Chavious today about his concerns, and there is a <br />good understanding as to what additional information is required to complete the review. <br />BJ Norwood deferred her time to speak to Elliot Cramer. Elliot Cramer said that he has been <br />told that the Board of County Commissioners cares as much or mare about the welfare of <br />animals as he does. He believes this, and he thinks that what the Board has done thus far <br />shows the concern. <br />Anne Marie Meyer said that she hopes that the APS is changing and is sincere, but she has <br />seen some misleading evidence in the recent newspaper editorials. She is not a friend of Judith <br />Reitman or Elliot Cramer, but everything in the newspaper has only been the Reitman and <br />Cramer controversy and there has been no acknowledgement of the numerous other people <br />