Orange County NC Website
9. ITEMS FOR DECISION--REGULAR AGENDA <br />a. Possible Options for the Future Operation of the Orange County Animal <br />Shelter <br />The Board considered information and possible options for the interim operation of <br />the Animal Shelter while transitioning to a longer-term governance structure is considered and <br />implemented. <br />John Link said that APS stated in their proposal that it was willing to operate the <br />Orange County Animal Shelter from October 1, 2003 -January 31, 2004, provided the County <br />Commissioners had a set of conditions, including full compensation for the cost of the shelter <br />operations. It further stated that if the County Commissioners were unwilling to respond <br />favorably to this request, that they would be willing to provide full support in management and <br />operation under the current contract extension from October 1, 2003 -December 31, 2003. <br />During that period, APS would cooperate fully with the County in effecting an orderly transition <br />of the responsibility far management and operation of the shelter. <br />John Link said that the approach the County takes with funding outside agencies is <br />the same for all - to work with the non-profit and arrive at an amount of money to conduct a <br />public purpose. The County never appropriates funding based on line-item budget <br />presentations. He said that this proposal in the middle of the fiscal year puts the County in an <br />awkward position, because this is a substantial amount of money outside the budget process. <br />John Link said that the additional costs of $4,229 per month, as a result of the HSUS <br />report recommendations, could be considered for approval. He described the two interim <br />options for Animal Shelter operation. <br />Interim Option A -Continue with APS with Increased Funding: <br />The Board of Commissioners could decide to continue the contract for the Shelter with the APS <br />on a month-to-month basis (through January 2004) with an increased level of funding in an <br />amount reflected as a result of the County staff review. <br />Interim Option B -Seek Proposals far Interim Shelter Management and Operation: <br />The Purchasing and Central Services Director has worked with the Manager's Office, County <br />Attorney, Personnel, and the Health Department to develop the key components of a Request <br />for Proposal for Interim Management an Operation Services to be sent to interested parties, <br />including the APS. <br />The staff is asking the Board to make a decision on the interim management of <br />the animal shelter at the meeting of November 18th. The Board should also decide whether the <br />operation of the shelter and Animal Control should be administered by the Health Department, <br />the Manager's office, ar some other entity long term. <br />The staff recommendation is as follows: <br />1. Deny the APS request far additional monthly funding in the amount of $10,636 through <br />January 31, 2004 because: <br />a} The line item approach for funding the APS is requesting is different from <br />established practice with other non-profit partners <br />b) A significant portion of the increase relates to personnel decisions made solely <br />by the APS Board <br />