2002 S EMS - Rescue Squad, Inc. Transportation Contract Renewal
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2002 S EMS - Rescue Squad, Inc. Transportation Contract Renewal
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Last modified
4/26/2012 9:56:59 AM
Creation date
4/26/2012 9:56:58 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 12-02-2002-8n
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M. THE SQUA~ will compensate its paid employees at a rate not lower than the <br />Livin~* Wa~e as established in the Orange Cc~unty Personnel Ordinance. <br />N. To identify a person as the point of c~ntact for ~eneral EMS operational or <br />policy communications with THE COUNT~'. <br />ll. COUNTY RESPONSIBILITI~S <br />A. To provide arnbulance vehicles of sufficient number to support the staffing <br />levels required ~f THE SQUAD. However, any ambulances provided by THE <br />~'OUNTY are and shall remain the pr~perty of THE COUNTY and upon termination of <br />this a~reement are t~ be returned to THE C(JUNTY in good working condition, <br />reas~nable wear and tear expected. Additi~nal agreements may be entered into, to allow <br />use of county equipment by THE SQUAD for non-traditional EMS purposes and as the <br />transition of responsibilities warrant. <br />B. To approve a standard uniform for THE SQUAD personnel providing services <br />pursuant t~ this Agreement. <br />C'. T~ provide necessary supplies, eyuipment, tizel, and other medical essentials for <br />the stockin~; of statfed units t~ the level specified by THE COUNTY, and to provide a <br />method of re-stockin~ unifs ai~er each use. <br />D. T~ provide for the preventive maintenance and repair of all county vehicles used <br />by THE SQUAD to provide services pursuant to this Agreement. This includes all <br />vehicles used to provide services under this Agreement owned by THE COUNTY. <br />E. To retain tiull authority and responsibility for the care and treatment of all <br />patients that use the EMS system, and to ensure that appropriate medical supervision is <br />provided to THE SC~UAD. TI°iE COUNTY will continue to allow members of THE <br />SQUAD, certified under THE COUNTY's ALS program, to prc~vide service at the <br />EMT-B, EMT-D, and EMT-Paramedic Level with continuing education, medical <br />protocols, medical direction, and oversight provided by THE COUNTY. <br />F. THE COLINTY'S medical director will provide medical care direction and <br />medical control to THE SQUAD. <br />G. THE COUNTY'S medical director will review and approve training and <br />continuing education that will assure the maintenance of all THE SQUAD's EMS <br />pers~nnel certiticat~ons. <br />H. To provide required health and safety programs including immunization, <br />medical evaluation, training, and post exposure management for the personnel of THE <br />SQUAD providing services pursuant to this Agreement. <br />To provide operational management of THE SQUAD's personnel during all <br />activities related to the provision of emergency medical services under this contract. <br />~ ~ J-;~ <br />
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