Orange County NC Website
B. All sums so paid by the County and all costs and expenses incurred by <br />the County in connection with the performance of any such act, together with interest <br />thereon at the rate of 6% per annum from the respective dates of each such payment <br />and such costs and expenses, shall constitute additional rent payable by the Tenant <br />under this lease and shall be paid by the Tenant to the County on demand. <br />C. Notwithstanding anything in this lease to the contrary, the County shall <br />not be limited, in the proof any damages which the County may claim against the <br />Tenant by reason of the Tenant's failure to provide and keep insurance in force, to the <br />amount of the insurance premiums not paid or incurred by the Tenant. The County <br />shall also be entitled to recover as damages for such breach the uninsured amount of <br />any loss, together with damages, costs, and expenses of any suit offered or incurred <br />by reason of damage to the leased property occurring during any period when the <br />Tenant shall have failed to provide and keep such insurance in force. <br />22. Performance of Tenant's Obligations-Taxes. <br />If the Tenant shall default in the performance of any obligation under this <br />lease, the County after 30 days notice to the Tenant specifying such default, or without <br />notice if any emergency exists, may perform such obligation for the account and at the <br />expense (including reasonable counsel fees) of the Tenant. The amount of any <br />payment made or expense incurred by the County for such purpose, with interest <br />thereon at the rate of 6% per annum, shall be deemed additional rent and forthwith <br />shall be repaid by the Tenant to the County, or, at the County's election, may be added <br />to any subsequent installment of rent due and payable under this lease. When no <br />emergency exists, the provisions of this subparagraph shall be inapplicable, if within <br />30 days after such notice by the County, the Tenant shall have cured such default, or <br />shall have commenced and shall be proceeding diligently to cure such a default. <br />Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to waive any right of the County to sue for <br />and recover by action at law any sums of which the County may have incurred under <br />the provisions of this subparagraph. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the <br />termination of this lease. <br />23. Riqht of Entrv. The County or his agent shall with twenty-four (24) <br />hours notice have the right to enter the leased property at reasonable times in order to <br />examine it, to show it to prospective purchasers or lessees, or to make such <br />decorations, repairs, alterations, improvements or additions as the County may deem <br />necessary or desirable. The County shall be allowed to take all material into and upon <br />the leased property that may be required therefore without the same constituting an <br />eviction of the Tenant in whole or in part. The rent reserved shall not abate while <br />decorations, repairs, alterations, improvements, or additions are being made, whether <br />by reason of loss or interruption of the business of the Tenant or otherwise. During the <br />last month prior to the expiration of the term of this lease, the County may place upon <br />the leased property the usual notices "To Let" or "For Sale", which notices the Tenant <br />shall permit to remain thereon without molestation. If during the last month of the term <br />the Tenant shall have removed all or substantially all of the Tenant's property <br />