Orange County NC Website
of fixed rent or other compensation shall be claimed by the Tenant, nor shall this lease or any of the <br />obligations of the Tenant hereunder be affected or reduced by reason of such interruption, stoppage, or <br />curtailment, nor shall the same give rise to a claim in the Tenant's favor that such failure constitutes <br />total or partial eviction from the leased property, provided that if the leased property shall be <br />unreasonably untenantable for a continuous period of more than four business days by reason of any <br />such stoppage, the fixed rent payable by the Tenant shall abate until the Tenant shall be again able to <br />use the leased property. <br />24. Destruction bv Fire or Other Casualtv. In the event the premises or any substantial <br />portion thereof are destroyed by fire or other casualty during the term of this lease, it is understood <br />and agreed that County shall have no obligation to rebuild, and , at the election of County or Tenant the <br />lease may be terminated <br />25. Condemnation. If the whole of the leased property, or such portion thereof as will <br />make the leased property unsuitable for the purposes herein leased, is condemned for any public use <br />or purpose by any legally constituted authority, then in either of such events this lease shall cease from <br />the time when possession is taken by such public authority and rental shall be accounted for between <br />the County and the Tenant as of the date of the surrender of possession. Such termination shall be <br />without prejudice to the rights of either the County or the Tenant to recover compensation from the <br />condemning authority for any loss or damage caused by such condemnation. Neither the County nor <br />the Tenant shall have any rights in or to any award made to the other by the condemning authority. <br />26. Assi4nment of Lease. The Tenant shall not assign, mortgage, or encumber this lease, <br />nor sublet or permit the leased property or any part thereof to be used by others, without the prior <br />written consent of the County in each instance. If this lease is assigned, or if the leased property or any <br />part thereof, is sublet, or occupied by anybody other than the Tenant, the County may, after an event of <br />default, as hereinabove defined, by the Tenant, collect rent for the assignee, subtenant, or occupant <br />and apply the net amount collected to the rent herein reserved. No such assignment, subletting, <br />occupancy or collection shall be deemed a waiver of this covenant, or the acceptance of this assignee, <br />subtenant, or occupant as tenant, or a release of covenants in this lease. The consent by the County to <br />an assignment or subletting shall not be construed to relieve the Tenant from obtaining the consent in <br />writing of the County to any further assignment or subletting. Provided, further, County shall not <br />unreasonably withhold consent to assignment. <br />27. Assignment of Interest in Rents. The County shall have the right, without selling its fee <br />interest in the leased property or assigning its interest in this lease, to assign from time to time the <br />whole of the net rent at any time payable hereunder to persons, firms, corporations, trusts or other <br />entities designated by the County in a written notice to the Tenant, and in any such case the Tenant <br />shall pay the net rent, subject to the terms of this lease, to the County's designee at the address <br />mentioned in any such notice for the period covered by such assignment. <br />28. Exoneration from Liabilitv. The County shall not be liable for any personal injury to <br />the Tenant or to its officers, agents and employees, or to any other occupant of any part of the leased <br />property, irrespective of how such injury or damage may be caused, whether from action of the elements <br />or acts of negligence of the occupants of adjacent properties, or any other persons; provided that <br />nothing contained herein shall relieve the County of the consequences of his own negligence. <br />29. Reimbursement of Expenses. The Tenant shall pay and indemnify the County against <br />all legal costs and charges, including counsel fees lawfully and reasonably incurred, in obtaining <br />possession of the leased premises after default of the Tenant or after the Tenant's default in <br />surrendering possession upon the expiration or earlier termination of the term of the lease or enforcing <br />any covenant of the Tenant herein contained. The Tenant further covenants that in case the County <br />shall be made party to any litigation commenced against the Tenant, due to act or omission on the part <br />of the Tenant alone, then the Tenant shall pay all expenses, costs, and reasonable attorney's fees <br />incurred by or imposed on the County in connection with such litigation, and such expenses, costs, and <br />