Orange County NC Website
from the parking lot and the walkways. The County shall in no event be required to make any repair, <br />alteration or improvement to the interior of the leased property. Any equipment replaced by the Tenant <br />shall belong to the Tenant, save equipment replaced in connection with Tenant's obligation to maintain <br />the premises in the same condition as exists at the commencement of this lease, and all proceeds from <br />the disposition thereof may be retained by the Tenant. The Tenant shall indemnify the County against <br />all costs, expenses, liabilities, losses, damages, suits, fines, penalties, claims and demands including <br />responsible counsel fees, because of Tenant's failure to comply with the foregoing. Maintenance of the <br />paved parking area shall be defined as and limited to maintaining and keeping the parking area in good <br />condition with a hardtop surface pavement and proper striping. <br />9. Imqrovements. No substantial alteration, addition or improvement to the leased <br />property shall be made by the Tenant without the written consent of the County. Any alteration, addition <br />or improvement made by the Tenant after such consent shall have been given and any fixtures <br />permanently installed as part thereof, shall at the County's option, become the property of the County <br />upon expiration of or other sooner termination of this lease; provided however, that the County shall <br />have the right to require the Tenant to remove such fixtures at the Tenant's cost upon such termination. <br />This clause shall not preclude Tenant from decorating the interior of the leased premises from time to <br />time in Tenant's discretion. <br />10. Liens for Improvements bv Tenant. The Tenant shall not permit any mechanic's lien to be filed <br />against the fee of the property by reason of work, labor, services or materials supplied or claimed to <br />have been supplied, whether prior or subsequent to the commencement of the term hereof, to the <br />Tenant or anyone holding the leased property, through or under the Tenant. If any such mechanic's <br />lien shall at any time be filed against the leased property, the Tenant shall, within 30 days after notice of <br />the filing thereof, cause such lien to be discharged of record by payment, deposit, bond, order of a court <br />of competent jurisdiction, or otherwise. If the Tenant shall fail to cause such lien to be discharged within <br />such 30 day period, then, in addition to any other right or remedy of the County, the County may, but <br />shall not be obligated to, discharge such lien either by paying the amount claimed to be due or by <br />procuring the discharge of such lien by deposit or by bonding proceedings, and in any such event the <br />County shall be entitled, if the County so elects, to compel the prosecution of an action for the <br />foreclosure of such mechanic's lien by the lienor and to pay the amount of the judgment for and in favor <br />of the lienor, with interest, costs and all other allowances. Any amount paid by the County for any such <br />purposes, with interest thereon at the rate of 6% per annum from the date of payment, shall be repaid by <br />the Tenant to the County on demand, and if unpaid may be treated as additional rent as provided for <br />elsewhere in this lease. Nothing in this lease shall be construed in any way as constituting the consent <br />or request of the County, express or implied, by inference or otherwise, to any contractor, subcontractor, <br />laborer or materialmen for the performance of any labor or the furnishing of any materials for any <br />property or as giving the Tenant the right, power of authority to contract for or permit the rendering of <br />any service or the furnishing of any material that would give rise to the filing of any mechanic's lien <br />against the fee of the leased property. <br />11. Tenant's Warrantv of Non-Disturbance. Tenant hereby expressly covenants and agrees <br />that the Tenant shall be responsible for controlling the noise level emanating from the Tenant's use of <br />the demised premises in such a way that other occupants of the building of which the demised premises <br />are a part shall not be disturbed. Tenant shall be responsible for and pay for the installation of any <br />special padding for other noise suppression devices that may be required for control of the level of <br />sound emanating from the demised premises. <br />12. Tenants Oblipation to Complv Aqqlicable Laws and Comqliance with Requirements of <br />Insurance Policies. The Tenant shall throughout the term of this lease, at its sole expense, <br />promptly comply with all laws and regulations of all federal, state and municipal governments and <br />appropriate departments, commissions, boards and officers thereof, and the orders and regulations of <br />the National Board of Fire Underwriters, or any other body now or hereafter exercising similar function, <br />which may be applicable to the leased property, the fixtures, and equipment therein, and the sidewalks <br />and curbs adjoining the leased property. The Tenant shall comply with the requirements of all policies <br />