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o ~~'z°~ ~. ~ ~-33 <br />f!f ~ ~~ .~c o ~ <br />Commissioner Brown would like this addressed at some point to make sure <br />that it is only an option that is available in public water and sewer areas. <br />Barry Katz asked fhe Board of County Commissioners to review the village <br />options. He said that the only place where a village option would make sense would be <br />where there was access to municipal services or public water and sewer. <br />Geoff Gledhill read from section, subsection `d' as follows: "If the <br />residential lots are proposed to be served by a community water and/or sewer system, <br />proof that the systems will be operating either directly or through a contract with the <br />water and/or sewer provider whose service area or interest area as defined in the Water <br />and Sewer Management Planning and Boundary Agreement include the subdivided <br />land." This is attempting to open the door to these community systems if the utility <br />provider would be responsible for them. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the provision on page nine deserves further <br />scrutiny. She does not believe that this says what Geoff Gledhill explained. It needs to <br />be said more clearly somehow. <br />Craig Benedict will work with Geoff Gledhill on this. <br />Commissioner Gordon agreed that the village option should have public <br />water and sewer. <br />Renee Price is concerned about cost and the impact this has on others. She <br />asked who would pick up the tab for running the line. <br />There was no public comment on this item. <br />c~:~ <br />e. Amend the Subdivision Regulations to make major subdivisions of land <br />creating 20 or more lots or involving 20 or more acres a Class A Special <br />Use Permit. <br />This is addressed in item 2-b. <br />These items (1a-e and 2b) have similar subdivision and zoning issues and <br />the recommendation from staff is to refer them to the Planning Board and return to the <br />Board of County Commissioners no later than January 21 St for review. <br />Item 2b is as follows: <br />Amend the Zoning Ordinance to make major subdivisions of land <br />creating 20 or more lots or involving 20 or more acres a Class A Special Use <br />Permit. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner <br />Brown to refer items 1 a-e and 2b to the Planning Board to be returned to the Board of <br />County Commissioners no later than January 21, 2003. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />~ 2. ORANGE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENTS <br />a. Amend Article 6.18 to allow development of a"Master <br />Telecommunications Plan' which identifies sites within the County <br />where an applicant may construct a wireless telecommunications <br />facility by seeking issuance of a building permit in accordance with the <br />specifications set forth in the Plan. <br />Craig Benedict said that this is something that the Board of County <br />Commissioners has heard to amend our telecommunications ordinance. Earlier this <br />year, there was a six-month moratorium on telecommunication towers. There was a <br />placeholder in the regulations that refers to a Master Telecommunications Plan, which <br />can identify sites in the County that can be used by the industry that would limit the <br />