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A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon to approve the staff recommendations, with <br />the changes on her handout. There was no second. The motion failed. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that on page 10, the Board changed it to make it more flexible. It <br />says approximately 300 feet and approximately 600 feet. He would rather leave it alone. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the ordinance as recommended by the staff, with the revisions (blue sheet}. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 4; No, 1 {Commissioner Gordon -she thinks it is too restrictive with respect to the points she <br />raised} <br />c. Buckhorn EDD -Proposed Amendments to Permitted Use Table <br />The Board considered correction of a text error in the EDD Design Manual and to Consider <br />adoption of proposed amendments to the Permitted Use Table for the I-85/Buckhorn Road Economic <br />Development District (Buckhorn EDD). <br />Craig Benedict said that the correction of the text error was mentioning that class A goes to <br />the Board of Adjustment. Class B actually goes to the Board of Adjustment. The more substantive <br />correction to the EDD was adding additional uses to the I-85/Buckhorn Road EDD. These were discussed <br />at a public hearing, and it included the addition of schools into the district as a class A special use permit. <br />Also, allowing golf driving and practice ranges as a permitted use. Other uses were deleted such as water <br />freight terminals, storage of petroleum products, and body shops. <br />Also, the Planning Board did not unanimously approve this as it was stated. The Planning <br />Board approved the special use standards for schools within the Buckhorn EDD. They approved this on a <br />6-3 vote. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve <br />the proposed amendments consistent with the Planning Board recommendation. <br />Chair Brown asked about the motor vehicle maintenance body shops and why they are going <br />to be eliminated. Craig Benedict said that the existing use category for this is a class A special use permit. <br />Chair Brown asked if our design standards far the EDD are strong enough or sophisticated <br />enough to allow these types of businesses to have a good design. Craig Benedict said that our standards <br />are elaborate and goad. He thinks that any project like this would be scrutinized enough. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis suggested allowing these shops and putting restrictions on outside <br />storage. The motion included this revision. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she does not think public schools should be in the primary <br />EDD. She thinks, if anything, they should be in a new secondary EDD category, modified sa there is no <br />residential. She also thinks that putting public schools in the primary EDD could be a problem with respect <br />to economic development. However, she has been convinced that the Orange County Schools want to site <br />their school in this area. She will vote for it even though she has reservations about it because she wants <br />to support the school board in their choice. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. Mill Creek II Subdivision (Section Two) -Preliminary Plan (9:40-10:00) <br />The Board considered the Preliminary Plan for Mill Creek II Subdivision {Section Two}. <br />Craig Benedict said that this is a 42-lot tract in Cheeks Township. The tract is on 9$ acres <br />and involves 41.5°l0 open space. It is on Mill Creek Road near High Rock Road. The area will be designed <br />with a central spine road. The creek is being preserved with the open space. Also, a pocket park has been <br />added. There is also transportation connectivity. Administration recommends approval in accordance with <br />the resolution. There is a requirement for a left turn lane and a right turn lane on Mill Creek Road. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />approve the subdivision in accordance with the Resolution of Approval. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />e. A Resolution Initiating the Project to Expand the 1997 Efland Sewer Bond Area System <br />and to Extend Water and Sewer Utilities to Serve the Buckhorn EDD Area and Community <br />This item was addressed before item 9-a. <br />The Board considered a resolution authorizing staff ta: officially begin the RFP process far <br />expanding the remaining part of the 1997 Efland Sewer Bond and Buckhorn Economic Development District <br />