Orange County NC Website
09/04/2002 17:52 FAZ 919 465 9113 SPECTRASITE COMMICATIO Q002 <br />s <br />71 <br />not believe tower structural inspections ai a required every three years. SpectraSite <br />should be able to provide structural analy: tes on its existing towers only once as tower <br />sites do not generally become less structu'ally sound unless additional equipment is <br />placed on the tower, le., co- location. The afore, since your ordinance requires a <br />structural prior to approving a co- location on an emsting tower, your major inspection <br />requirement seems to be redundant. Sped raSite does not feel this requirement is <br />necessary in order to meet the County's n quirement to ensure tower safety. <br />4. Section S. S.17(axlXaJ Fall Zone area im Teased to 110' /6 of the tower height. Many <br />existing and new towers are designed to c allapse, not fail over, and therefore using <br />the tower height for a fall zone factor is tin always necessary if a tower is built to <br />collapse within a certain radius. SpectraM to requests that the All zone radius be <br />reduced on a case by case basis with suffi;ient'documentation from a licensed and <br />certified engineer for the State of North C arolina. <br />5. Fees. Although the County has decided ntA to decrease the fee requirements, <br />SpectraSite joins others in the wireless in► Wstry who have opposed these very high <br />fee requirements. SpectraSite is more that ► willing to explore other optioin such as <br />escrow accounts or using independent coi tsultants. The current fee requirement is in <br />essence requiring SpectraSite and the winless industry to subsidize the County's <br />outsourcing of certain aspects of a wirelea s siting application <br />SpectraSite is a nationally recognized tower and telecommunications infiast ucture <br />company and wishes to work with the County to help maximize the use of existing <br />towers and infrastructure facilities. Please fins i enclosed some information on SpectraSite <br />owned `towers located within Orange County and a company brochure. Thank you for <br />your time and I look forward to working with Orange County on future projects. Due to <br />the lateness of our notice, please excuse any c iversights. <br />slim <br />to Manager, Fast <br />