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4 <br />it <br />1 Lauren Elmore on sprawl at the August meeting of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use <br />2 Committee. The next meeting is September 23`d at 5:30 p.m. in the Southern Human Services <br />3 Center. This is the final CPLUC meeting. A report will be coming to the Planning Board <br />4 hopefully in November. <br />s <br />6 Schofield said that it was discussed by the CPLUC that a number of the land use tools create too <br />7 much complexity. The land use changes need to be thoroughly reviewed and thought out. He is <br />e worried that the citizens may hear about the changes for the first time in the paper or at a public <br />9 hearing, and not. know enough about why the changes are being made. <br />to Benedict said that all the growth management tools are going to be suggested. Also, at the <br />11 public hearing the strong and weak tools will be pointed out. <br />12 <br />13 Chair Gooding -Ray said that she did not understand how the staff would explain the tools <br />14 enough for the public to comment on them. <br />is <br />16 Benedict said that the staff would be recommending a package of how to control lower density <br />17 development so it does not become sprawl. <br />18 <br />19 Schofield said that the CPLUC is supposed to be the County's interface with the public, but it is <br />20 not the public. In the end, we are talking about three to five very significant land use changes. <br />21 He thinks the Planning Department means well for the County, but if there is no ownership by <br />22 County citizens, these proposals are not going to succeed. He feels that we have not built up <br />23 community trust in this process that is going to be necessary to implement the best ideas. <br />24 <br />25 Benedict said that the reason that CPLUC was put together with the type of representation that it <br />26 has was to have someone from each of the different boards offer their perspectives. He said that <br />27 the hardest thing is turning a vision into a regulation. <br />2s <br />29 - Katz said that he hopes we get a chance to focus on sustainability because this will create a lot of <br />30 support. <br />31 AGENDA ITEM #9: TELECOMMUNICATIONS ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS <br />32 <br />33 Item on Master Telecommunication Plan from BOCC September 3, 2002 meeting with 7 <br />34 attachments <br />35 <br />36 Chair Gooding -Ray said that we could not hear any new testimony from anyone. Any new <br />37 written information can be distributed. <br />38 <br />39 Benedict spoke about changes that have occurred since the public hearing. He said that we are <br />4 o still allowing a Class B Special Use Permit under 200 feet if there are four users minimum. <br />41 Otherwise, 150 feet and less is Class B. The Annual Telecommunications Projection Meeting is <br />42 the same, but what has changed is that Class B permits can come in any time during the year as <br />43 long as they are consistent with what was discussed in the annual meeting. There are still twice a <br />44 year submittals for Class A permits at the quarterly public hearings. The third item is promotion <br />45 of co- location of antennas on existing buildings, transmission towers, utility poles, etc. The only <br />46 suggested change from the Ordinance Review is that the maximum height of antenna be 10 feet <br />105 <br />