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Chair Brown said that this caught her attention and she asked the County <br />departments that deal with affordable housing to bring forward haw the County deals <br />with complaints. She thinks that the problem is that most people do not understand their <br />rights or how to get assistance. She said that the County would be involved in any way <br />that is needed. <br />Bill Strom said that he and Edith Wiggins co-chaired the Tawn committee that led <br />a task force towards creating the guidelines far the rental-licensing program that the <br />Council passed. Chapel Hill has a requirement that the landlords certify that the rental <br />units meet the State minimum housing code. This shifts the burden from the renter to <br />the landlord as far as maintaining the unit. He is interested in pursuing this further. <br />Jacquelyn Gist asked that each board appoint a representative to begin having <br />initial discussions. <br />A motion was made by Jacquelyn Gist, seconded by Commissioner Halkiatis for <br />each board to appoint a board member or a representative to serve on an initial steering <br />committee to address the issue of substandard rental properties, and ask staff to <br />coordinate the meeting. <br />John Herrara asked to put a target date on this task force and Jacquelyn Gist <br />said that the steering committee should meet by the end of November and put target <br />dates in at that time. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />4. Humane Society of the United States (HSUS] Report on Orange County <br />Animal Shelter <br />Chair Brown said that this report is online on the Orange County website and the <br />Board of County Commissioners has a work session an this to came to a decision on <br />how to proceed with the operation of the shelter. <br />Kevin Foy asked about the decision about the Town's land at Eubanks Road. <br />Chair Brown said that the staff is coming back at the work session on this topic with the <br />pros and cons of several pieces of property, including the one that Chapel Hill offered. <br />5. Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) Organizational <br />Review <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he has been in meetings where this is discussed <br />and that he wants to know where everyone stands on this. He said that we all have the <br />opportunity to add additional areas now that there is a new census. He said that <br />approximately 40°~ of Orange County participates in an RPO (Rural Planning <br />Organization) with Chatham, Lee, and Moore Counties and he suggests that the towns <br />let the Board of County Commissioners discuss whether it is the mast beneficial route to <br />include the entire County in the MPO. <br />Alex Zaffran said that he is the Chair of the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO. <br />There are a lot of issues and it is extremely complex. He suggests that this group review <br />the materials. The MPO will take this issue on next week. It is obviously a newly <br />expressed interest an the part of CAMPO to merge or to find a better, more cooperative <br />governance structure. Regarding the RPO issue, his understanding of the legislation is <br />that it must be a mutual agreement. <br />7. Informational Items <br />a. Timelines for TownlCounty Partner Capital Projects <br />b. Solid Waste Issues <br />