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have had discussions with the Institute of Government about the definition of a collaborative <br />model. <br />Nicholas Didow said that his sense is that the Board is several weeks into accumulating the <br />facts. He asked if the County Commissioners would object to the school boards carefully <br />reviewing the facts and information and making reasonable judgments and recommendations <br />about what it means. <br />Chair Brown said that the school boards could do whatever they want. <br />b. New Schaal Facility Development <br />• OCS Middle School #3 <br />Libbie Haugh said that the question came up at a meeting of the Schools and Land Use Councils <br />regarding the third middle school and how the entire tract of land would be used in a collaborative <br />effort. They want to include the community in the discussion. Same ideas are a soccer field and a <br />community library. The other question relates to the purchase of land. They are hoping that it <br />would not be coming out of the $18 million designated for the school. <br />Chair Brown said that the County Commissioners could get back to them on this <br />Libbie Hough said that the other question was related to smart growth. She asked if OCS could <br />qualify far a similar situation as the CHCCS third high school. They are interested in having the <br />safest and most environmental friendly school possible. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the County Commissioners have not completely resolved the <br />question of what smart growth principles are. The question for CHCCS is what the $2.2 million <br />would be used far. She thinks that smart growth principles should be used far all schools in the <br />County. <br />^ CHCCS High School #3 <br />Superintendent Pedersen said that there were no questions far the County Commissioners at this <br />time. In terms of an update, there has been an advisory committee formed with representation <br />from various governmental bodies, including the County Commissioners, and staff members. They <br />have had a couple of meetings. They are negotiating with the landowners, but there has not been <br />any land acquired yet. Sail borings have begun on the properties and the design work continues. <br />c. Smart Growth Policies <br />Chair Brown said that she and Commissioner Jacobs are working on this with the CHCCS school <br />system . <br />Commissioner Gordon said that this was a targeted issue with high school #3, but she has heard <br />some intentions for all schools. She said that if this is so, the Orange County School Board should <br />be included in the discussions. She would like the Board to take under advisement the question of <br />how these smart growth principles are going to be used in the future far the schools and the formal <br />role of the two school boards interacting with the County Commissioners. <br />d. School Policies on Suspensions and Truancy <br />