Orange County NC Website
3~d Model: Open Recruitment with Concurrent County Hiring of Director and Staff <br />. Timeline: About 6 Months <br />Other items to address would be capital equipment/supplies, program services, veterinary <br />services, and wildlife care. <br />In closing, since August 28t" the Board of County Commissioners has received one <br />communication from APS. This was provided in a letter and in a formal presentation to the <br />Board an September 16t" during the public comment portion of the regular meeting. The letter <br />addresses their ongoing need for funding. The staff is actively pursuing review of this and they <br />will bring a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners on October 21St <br />Public Comment: <br />Elfriede Illiano said that she recently joined the APS Board. She has lived in Chapel Hill since <br />1969. She challenged the claim that APS has lost the community's trust. She said that people <br />are tired of the never-ending accusations against APS. She asked why an evaluation by HSUS <br />was not done under the other director. She asked why the negative comments and finger <br />painting only started after Schopler's departure as the APS veterinarian. She asked why his <br />friends only voiced criticism after he was gone. She said that it is passible that this campaign <br />has never been about animal welfare. She said that the animals at APS are treated with <br />respect and concern by a caring staff. Her family has donated land to the APS shelter for the <br />purpose of animal protection. They have been repeatedly contacted by members of the <br />opposition not to give the land to APS since, "they are finished as an organization anyway." <br />They have been encouraged to give it to Piedmont Wildlife instead. She said that they refuse to <br />do this because they have not lost faith in the APS. <br />Jean Connerat said that she has been nominated three times far the APS Board and has not <br />been elected yet. She made reference to the volunteers at the shelter that work without any <br />compensation. She knows that the organization has made mistakes but all organizations do. <br />She asked the Board not to throw away this great human resource. <br />People that work on the line bring to this process something that cannot be reduced to dollars <br />and cents. <br />Elliot Cramer distributed a handout. He said that the HSUS report is a cause for alarm. He said <br />that Kate Pullen struggled to find good things to say about APS. He gave a history of APS. He <br />said that APS has served its purpose admirably except for the last 20 months. APS now says it <br />needs $138,Q00 in additional funding to continue operation of the shelter. If the County rejects <br />this, APS pledges to continue its operation and financial support until January 1 ~. He said that <br />APS offered its cooperation in an orderly transition to operation by the County or another <br />agency. He said that this is an offer the County cannot refuse. He suggested a budget <br />consistent with what the Board asked for. It includes a County takeover at the same level of <br />service and the cost to the County is little different from what continued APS operation will cost. <br />He said that a quick transition is necessary and possible in the next three months. He included <br />a statement made to the APS Board. <br />Pat Beyle distributed a handout. She is President of the APS Board of Directors. She made a <br />statement on behalf of the APS Board. She said that this controversy has created an enormous <br />headache for them and the County. She said that APS has enjoyed a good relationship with <br />Orange County since 1979. They would very much like to continue this partnership with the <br />