Minutes - 20030916
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20030916
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8/14/2008 3:58:57 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:13:29 PM
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Agenda - 09-16-2003-
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meeting. There were two representatives there. Twa things that I was particularly interested in <br />was them talking about the issue of building a school that was close to a dense population. <br />That schaol is close to both Southern Village and Dogwood Acres. Their second principle was <br />to build a school near or on a public transportation route. That school is on the J route, which is <br />the mast widely used public transportation route in the Town. So I was encouraged to know that <br />the board, which had already thought about those issues, was supported by the smart growth <br />experts as well. Again, there was one other item, and that was the information about addendum <br />1. That was the definition of what was the size of the school. And I think you got that <br />information at the meeting or were provided that {i.e., What was the definition of that schaol? <br />What's in an 800-student school? What's in a 1,200-student school?}. And I think one <br />question, because I was here at that work session, was whether to pass addendum 1 or to pass <br />addendum 2. Addendum 1 dealt with the initial size. It would be good to know is there any <br />other additional information needed because that's all I heard, but I might be wrong, at that <br />meeting, that what's the definition of initial size, 800 or 1,200? And I think we provided that. <br />have a copy of that. I think, however, good documentation, if nothing else, would be good; we <br />need historical documentation for any other committees that may work in the future. <br />Commissioner Jacobs: I'd like to suggest, Madam Chair, that you and I try and meet with Mr. <br />Benedict again before the next meeting, and we'll go ahead and we'll propose what we consider <br />to be smart growth principles, and we'll just move ahead from there. <br />Chair Brown: Sounds good to me. <br />This was the end of the veri~atim transcription <br />Michelle Lewis is a resident of Chapel Hill. She read a petition to postpone the <br />public hearings scheduled for comment on school merger. She asked that these hearings be <br />deferred until two weeks after the additional data requested by the Board of County <br />Commissioners has been made available to the public. She submitted the petition on behalf of <br />INFORM. She said that one-month is not a large delay, given the issue. She gave the petition <br />to the Manager. <br />b. Matters an the Printed Agenda <br />(These matters were considered when the Board addressed that item on the agenda <br />below.) <br />3. BOARD COMMENTS <br />Commissioner Carey commended the Human Services Advisory Council for the forum <br />last week entitled, "50 years after Brown versus Board of Education How African Americans are <br />Faring in Orange County in Employment Opportunity, Health Care, and Education." He <br />commended everyone involved in planning this forum. He'd like to see some results from the <br />forum. There were no breakout sessions, which made it more difficult to receive the needed <br />feedback. He commented at the forum that he would ask the Board and staff to focus attention <br />on being proactive about trying to decide what the future of our Orange County Human Rights <br />and Relations Department is because of the fact that the suit that was decided by Supreme <br />Court and brought by Blue Cross/Blue Shield cut the legs out from a part of that department's <br />responsibility. He would like some recommendations about the future of the department, <br />because it's clear to him that the department and the Commission still have a role and <br />responsibility. He would like the County to be proactive about it. <br />
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