Minutes - 20030916
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20030916
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Last modified
8/14/2008 3:58:57 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:13:29 PM
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Agenda - 09-16-2003-
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to agreement an smart growth principles for the design of this facility. We would submit to you <br />that it is crucial for the design process that we came to resolution on the addenda to assure that <br />we are moving in the right direction and that the project is not unnecessarily delayed. We <br />respectfully request that this item be placed on your agenda at the earliest opportunity for <br />discussion. Thank you. <br />Commissioner Jacobs: I was actually going to wait until Board Comments to report to our <br />Board on the meetings that we have had. And actually, and I'm sure some of the citizens who <br />spoke to us earlier tonight will find this pleasantly ironic. We don't have all the information that <br />we've asked for, and therefore, don't feel like we can make recommendations and intelligent <br />decisions on the issues related to smart growth in the third high school. We hope to have more <br />of those questions answered the next time we meet. We had set up a date and at least as of <br />earlier today, we heard from every participant except anyone from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro <br />school system. <br />Valerie Foushee: I haven't been contacted <br />Commissioner Jacobs: Well, if you would check with Donna Baker, she's been trying to get <br />people to the meeting, and we're certainly moving ahead. <br />Valerie Foushee: I haven't received any contact at all. <br />Commissioner Jacobs: She'll give you the information. But we, in fact, the Manager and the <br />Planning Director, and Commissioner Brown and I met to work on those issues so that we can <br />have more specificity to bring back to the group when we do meet again. And we do very much <br />intend and want to move the process forward as quickly as possible. None of us want this to be <br />unnecessarily delayed. All of us may think someone else is unnecessarily delaying, but I think <br />the main thing is get things right, and we all agree on that. <br />Valerie Foushee: We can agree on that. We would ask that we could move forward in the <br />design and we cannot design the school with those principles until those principles have been <br />identified. <br />Chair Brown: Valerie, let me just ask you a question on the letter. (attached) You said we <br />were given the assurance that the $2.2 million would be available. How did that come about? <br />Valerie Foushee: Commissioner Halkiotis told us to build a school, that we'll get the $2.2 <br />million. Not in those words, but quite similar. <br />Chair Brown: Sa you took one Commissioner's statement and said that we.... <br />Valerie Foushee: At an official meeting, that's what we heard. <br />Chair Brown: We usually do things by a majority vote. <br />Valerie Foushee: I understand that, Madam Chair, and I'm not saying that to be <br />argumentative. I'm saying that what we heard at that meeting is that everybody was an board <br />for the same thing, that there was no hidden agenda. I think that Commissioner Halkiotis said <br />that you weren't trying to fool anybody about anything, and we are working with that assurance <br />given that if we're able to come to agreement on what those principles are, that the money <br />would be available to us. If I misinterpreted what I heard..... <br />
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