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Commissioner Jacobs also thanked the HSAC for the forum. There is a tape and it <br />should be available for the Board of County Commissioners. He specifically thanked four <br />members of the staff who worked hard -Nancy Glover, Corinthia Barber, Sharon Hinton, and <br />Gwen Harvey. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the North Carolina Moving Ahead Projects and <br />said that he asked Karen Lincoln to put them on a map and show them to the Board and the <br />citizens. <br />Karen Lincoln said that there were three projects that the Board of County <br />Commissioners asked to be put on the program and they are as follows: <br />- continuing with the two-foot shoulders on Palmer's Grove Road to St. Mary's Road as <br />well as other improvements <br />- widening Orange Grove Road from Churton Street to New Grady Brown School Road <br />(also Orange Grove Road to Arthur Minnis Road might be widened) <br />-widening of NC 86 from Whitfield Road to US 70 Business for bicycle lanes <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the County continues to have success working with <br />DOT. He said that the work of the Orange Grove Road Transportation Work Group, which <br />involved Hillsborough and Orange County, was obviously respected by DOT. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the Community Transportation Improvement <br />Plan Steering Committee, which deals with Orange Public Transit. They had their first meeting <br />and another meeting is coming up soon. It's a very large and collaborative group and there was <br />no participation from TTA, but they are hoping to get some by the next meeting. The thrust is to <br />work to coordinate with other service providers as well as to refine what OPT is already doing. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the TAC meeting was on September 10t". Another <br />report from North Carolina Moving Ahead projects will be forthcoming from Karen Lincoln. <br />Commissioner Gordan said that there was a meeting of the Triangle Chairs of Wake, <br />Durham, and Orange Counties on September 9t". She listed the attendees who included Herb <br />Council {Chair of the Wake County Board of Commissioners) and Ellen Reckhow, who chaired <br />the meeting. She said that she volunteered to attend since Chair Brawn could not be there. She <br />tried to insure that in the future they would hold a meeting at a time that Chair Brown could <br />attend. <br />Chair Brown said that the Board was under the presumption that she asked <br />Commissioner Gordon to attend the meeting for her. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she was told by Ellen Reckhow, Chair of the Durham <br />County Board of Commissioners that Chair Brown had asked that she attend. When she <br />checked that with Ms. Reckhow again, Ms. Reckhow verified it. However, Chair Brown did not <br />directly ask Commissioner Gordan to attend. <br />Chair Brown said that she wanted the whole Board of County Commissioners to have <br />an opportunity to attend. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that air quality concerns were foremost on the agenda. <br />The next meeting is sometime in October. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the General Counsel has left TTA to pursue other <br />opportunities. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Schools and Land Use Councils (SLUG) met and <br />they had updates on the Orange County middle school and the Chapel Hill-Carrboro high <br />school. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked that under Manager's comments if someone in <br />Emergency Services could give an update on the pending hurricane. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he represented the Board at the Arts Commission <br />dedication of the addition to the Government Services Center entitled "Excerpts." He said that <br />