Orange County NC Website
(a) Plans for all kennels, ~a~-exercise yards~ ri~Jinrr -,~on.,.., dog runs, <br />pens and related improvements, including signage. <br />(b) Site plan showing the improvements listed in a) above, other structures <br />on the same lot, and structures on adjacent property. <br />(2) Standards of Evaluation - <br />(a) The site is of adequate size to protect adjacent properties from adverse <br />effects of the kenne <br />(b) No part of any building, structure, doQ run, pen, or exercise vard ~wa~ <br />er r;,~;^^ ^r°^~, in which animals are housed or exercised shall be closer <br />than 150 feet from a property line, except property occupied by the <br />owner/operator of the kennel. These minimum distances shall not apply <br />if all portions of the facility, in which animals are housed, are wholly <br />enclosed within a building. <br />(c) Any kennel, includinq primary enclosures or runs which is not wholly <br />enclosed within a building shall be enclosed by a security fence at least <br />six feet in height, . <br />(d) The site plan shows parking, access areas and screening devices for all <br />buildings and animal boarding facilities existinq or proposed for the <br />ro ert . <br />(e) The site plan shall be reviewed by the Orange County Animal ~e~e1 <br />no,,,,+,,.,o„+Services Department, and found in conformance with <br />~es#~e~~the Animal Control Ordinance. <br />(fl Building plans for all kennel facilities shall be reviewed and approved by <br />the Oranqe County Animal Services <br />Department prior to issuance of any building permits. <br />(g) A sign clearly visible from the ground shall be posted at the main <br />entrance to the facility and shall contain the names, addresses, and <br />telephone numbers where persons responsible for the facility may be <br />contacted at any hour of the day or night. The sign shatl comply with <br />dimensional requirements as set forth ;n,,--~~sn^on--~.'~~--~--n ;~ <br />~a-psewithin this Ordinance. <br />~h~ ~r~ ..,,,r a h„ +ho n,,;.,, A Class II Kennel <br />Permit shall be obtained from Oranqe County Animal Services a-S~a~~s <br />~al-within the first 30 days of occupancy. Failure to obtain and <br />maintain a valid Class II Kennel Permit or other related permits which <br />may be required by the USDA or Wildlife Resources Commission will <br />result in revocation of the Special Use Permit. <br />5.6.6 Ridinq Stables !^~~~'°.~`:„,T:~ <br />(A) Standards for Class B Special Use Permit <br />(1) Submittal Requirements - <br />In addition to the information required by Section 2.7, the following information <br />shall be supplied as part of the application for approval of this use: <br />(a) Plans for all '-°^,~, ^~; barns, boardinq facilities, exercise yards, riding arenas, <br />pe+~s-and related improvements, including signage. <br />