Orange County NC Website
Commerciai Uses RB AR R1 CC3 GC4 AS <br />~ ..~El~s ,-''o;,aT~ * * * * * * <br />Miscellaneous Uses RB AR R1 CC3 GC4 AS <br />Historic Sites Non-residential/Mixed Use <br />Kennels, Class I * ~ ~ ~ * * <br />Section 4. That Section 5.2.3 Table of Permitted Uses - Conditional Uses be amended <br />as follows: <br />** Staff Note: Only those districts where the use is allowed are denoted. Other districts <br />where the use is not permitted are not denoted within this amendment'~* <br />Agricultural Uses MPD-CZ MHP-CZ <br />Agricultural Service Uses <br />Commercial Feeder Operations <br />Farm Equipment &Sales <br />Feed. Seed. Storacte, & Processinq <br />Riding Stables <br />Commercial Uses MPD-CZ MHP-CZ <br />Kennels , Class II ~ p~~~nir c+~h~e~ <br />Section 5. That Section 5.6 Standards for Commercial Uses be amended as follows: <br />5.6.5 ICe~nr~el~+ ~r ~irlir~M Cf~Aloc. / Ai.~+rle~w~ie~c. Kennels (Class II) <br />(A) Standards for Class B Special Use Permit <br />(1) Submittal Requirements - <br />In addition to the information required by Section 2.7, the following <br />information shall be supplied as part of the application for approval of this <br />use: <br />