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mean, that it would be at the higher level -the level of the higher funded system, and <br />that the higher funded system over time would not be disadvantaged because of this. In <br />other words, the higher funded system would continue to expand and as growth expands <br />they would get funds, but not only that, they would be able to achieve the goals that the <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools have traditionally been able to achieve. In other words, <br />what we would be doing is making all the school children in Orange County have the <br />same opportunity, the same funding. However, if you had two separate systems then <br />each school board in each area would pursue the particular mix that they felt most <br />appropriate far the students. I do realize, over the time that I have been active in public <br />education that the trend has been mare toward smaller, not just recently with the Gates <br />Foundation, but also in what has been known as site based management. Our school <br />governance committees have been in place in some of the schools and they really have <br />a say, so that there is an effective unit of governance at that building level. So, the <br />question is da you want equality of funding far two systems assuming that it would be at <br />the higher level and that bath systems would be improved in their level of funding, and <br />that includes both the Orange County system and the Chapel Hill system not being <br />"held harmless" but actually not suffering any harm. Or do you want merger? I would be <br />particularly very interested in knowing if you distinguish between those two things and if <br />so, how you da sa? <br />Chair Brown: Any other comments questions? I just had a few because everybody <br />pretty much said what I was interested in. Maybe at the public hearings we could have a <br />better understanding or description of SAPFO. We know it so well but I think a lot of <br />people don't understand SAPFO and don't know how it works. They should because it <br />is very much a part of school expansion and growth in the community. That was a big <br />step far, certainly the Commissioners and all of the communities and the school boards <br />to get together and put that in and it just went into effect last month. We will see how it <br />will play out over the next few years. <br />think a good explanation needs to be developed; I believe Commissioner Jacobs <br />mentioned it too, about the effect that a merger might have outside the city limits of <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro in terms of growth. I think many people do not know the planning <br />that the Commissioners already have in place to address growth issues and protection <br />of natural resources and protection of watersheds, and so on. So we have our growth <br />plan. <br />When I read the part that the two school boards put together, which was excellent, but it <br />occurred to me that it was also possibly leaving out some of the good things that both <br />systems offer. I would have loved for it to be more specific. Perhaps if you have the <br />time you could give us more meat on what you both offer. I know when we had the <br />survey that was sent out a year and a half ago to both systems' students that they were <br />very enthusiastic about being able to take courses that were provided in each other's <br />districts. There were some very specific things from ROTC to the different chorus things <br />that go on in Orange County Schools, participation in all sorts of things. If you could give <br />us mare of an idea of those differences, the opportunity differences, I think that would be <br />very good. <br />Perhaps if you could come up with a clear explanation of the timeline that we are looking <br />at in terms of - I think what Commissioner Gordon was talking about -how long would it <br />take to actually raise the taxes in the Orange County system so that there is same <br />equity. Would that take 10 years, then I guess it is the 1 Q-year plan. That to me is a lot <br />