Minutes - 20030915
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20030915
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based on a ten year average of Caunty spending. It wasn't just an arbitrary number that <br />we pulled out of a hat. <br />I have also heard people say that if people cared about education they would move into <br />the Chapel Hill-Carrboro System because people in the Orange County System have <br />never been willing to vote for a district tax. I checked with Carolyn Thomas, our <br />Supervisor of Elections, and at least since 1968, which is as far back as she had <br />immediate records, that this proposition has never been put to the voters of Orange <br />County. That is not to say that I don't think I know how they would vote, but it has never <br />been put to them, so it is an inaccuracy to say they have rejected the idea. <br />And finally, some people who are advocates of the Orange County System say that the <br />district boundary isn't fair and that we don't have a large enough percent of the tax base <br />and we carry an unfair burden financially. The way I calculate it, based on the charts we <br />have in Appendix R, 35.9% of the tax base this year is located within the Orange County <br />System boundaries and 37.8°l0 of the students. It is virtually identical. It is close enough <br />so that it is almost identical. So it does not seem to me that the district boundary or the <br />property tax base in the two systems is unfair based on the distribution of students at <br />this time. <br />Commissioner Gordon: I wanted to clarify for the Commissioners that if some other <br />questions occur to us after tonight that we have a time period that we would be able to <br />submit our questions to the staff in time for the November work session. <br />Jahn Link: Certainly. <br />Chair Brawn: Do we have enough time? <br />John Link: Again, and my only reason for clarification in terms where the questions are <br />being directed is that some of these questions by necessity will have to be answered by <br />school staff and some answered by County staff. Certainly as the questions are <br />provided to me I will submit them if I think they are appropriate to be answered by the <br />school staff, and then see what their response is. <br />Commissioner Gordon: I did some calculations similar to Commissioners Jacobs', and <br />he is correct, rounding it off, 64% of the tax base is in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City <br />School district and 36°~ in the Orange County School District. Whereas, 62 °lo of the <br />students are in the Chapel Hill school district and 38°fo are in the Orange Caunty School <br />district. It is virtually identical in terms of generation. I also figured the amount <br />generated per pupil from a tax and it is slightly more that would be generated per pupil in <br />the Chapel Hill System than the Orange County system. That is correct and I think <br />needs to be noted. <br />The other thing, a question I would like to ask for people to at least speak to at the public <br />hearing is when you are talking to the Commissioners, is your major goal equality of <br />funding for the two systems or is your goal merger for all that it would bring? Because it <br />is possible to approach equality of funding without merger. This follows up on <br />Commissioner Halkiotis' question, is bigger better? When you speak, what I would <br />appreciate knowing is if you want merger because you think it is the only way to get <br />equality of funding or do you want merger for all that it brings? When we talk about <br />equality of funding, I would assume that would mean, and we would pledge that it would <br />
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