Minutes - 20030915
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20030915
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Hill-Carrboro System based on those peoples own e-mails. Yet other people who are <br />apposed to merger argue that if you merge the schools you are going to promote growth <br />in Orange County outside of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro system. And we had asked to <br />have some information about land use ramifications of possible merger, and I would just <br />like to see our Planning Director have a go at that. I think that as a Commissioner I <br />would say the answer is we have a strong land use planning and we have a history of <br />abiding by our land use plan, but I think it would be goad to articulate that in writing far <br />citizens who have those concerns because I think growth concerns are a major part of <br />the political environment in Orange County. I would also encourage those people from <br />the Orange County Schools who have been arguing that we don't need much money to <br />please came to the public hearings and articulate that case because that is not what I <br />hear at budget time when the parents come. So I would just like to hear that case made <br />before I make any kind of decision because it is interesting to me and it is different than <br />what the parents are saying. While I'm not necessarily unsympathetic to the argument <br />"we can do with less", I would just like to hear it articulated. <br />And similarly, one of the things that we skipped over, but I know is important to parents, <br />is the issue of busing. And I know that there could be an innumerable group of qualifiers <br />and variables but if we are talking about hypothetically merging a system that would <br />require some children to go to a new middle school that was not in the Chapel Hill <br />Carrboro system but was in fact in the Orange County System that is currently <br />constituted, or a new elementary school number 10 that was in the Chapel Hill System <br />that is not going to be just far the Chapel Hill System if there is a merged system. I <br />would like for someone to take a shot at what percentage of students that might be <br />affected just for that reason by merger and not for any other programmatic reason ar <br />reasons of achieving any other kind of social goal. What manner of busing might be <br />required? <br />John Link: Commissioner Jacobs, I am assuming that shot would be taken by the <br />school systems. <br />Commissioner Jacobs: Yes, I saw Dr. Pedersen nodding his head; he didn't look too <br />terrified or horrified. I assume that meant that he thought it was doable. <br />Just for myself, I think the financial considerations of all this are very important. <br />I certainly cringe every year when we come to deciding if we are going to raise taxes. <br />But the most important thing is that every student in Orange County is given an equal <br />opportunity. We live in a state where, because all this is based an property taxes, we <br />have gross inequities. We have counties where there is $600 per pupil. We talk about <br />equal opportunity but there is no way in the world, except through personal dedication, <br />parental dedication, and teacher dedication that those kids are going to have an equal <br />opportunity. They are going to have to overcome tremendous obstacles and that is not <br />fair. If we have those kinds of disparities in our county, we need to address them. Ta me <br />that is what this is all about. What kind of disparities do we have? It is not about the <br />money, although I don't want to pay any more taxes than I absolutely have to. So that is <br />why I am asking for that kind of information. And I do, as Commissioner Carey, I <br />appreciate the work our staff has done and the school staffs have done and we look <br />forward to getting more information. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis: Just a couple of observations. All of this started on a cold <br />January morning over at the Southern Human Services Center, and I cautioned <br />
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