Orange County NC Website
Replacement of HVAC system <br />Windows, doors, floors <br />Next steps -Closing on property across from NC 86, interim signage installed, <br />conventional or innovative sewer system decision, address price tag <br />Commissioner Halkiotis commented that this has been a longstanding labor of love. He <br />would like to go an record to say that he is pleased with this floor plan and this one makes the <br />mast sense. He hopes that we lack this in. He likes the flex space. He hopes that the pottery <br />aspect will be enjoyed by all. <br />Commissioner Carey commended the staff for getting to this point and he likes the <br />conceptual plan. He asked to whom we are applying for grants far the septic system and Gwen <br />Harvey said to the State Energy Office Sustainable Community Development Project. <br />Commissioner Carey asked about the northern citizens and if they have had an <br />opportunity to review this plan. Gwen Harvey said that they have not brought it to them yet, but <br />it will be taken to them. Commissioner Carey said that he would like to know what they think. <br />Commissioner Jacobs agreed with Commissioner Carey and Commissioner Halkiotis <br />about the plan. He made reference to page six and the additional items. He said that the only <br />mention of solar design is the breezeway enclosure. He asked where we stood on this. <br />Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam Jones said that Innovative Design will <br />have their report in October. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis added that when they met with Mike Nicholas from the group in <br />Raleigh, he was going to look at the building and see what opportunities it afforded for <br />alternatives in addition to the traditional power plant. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about what County buildings have a lighted sign and why <br />this needs one. Pam Jones said that a lighted sign out there would be helpful because there <br />are not any other lights out there. They looked at the solar option to run the sign and it was <br />$5,000. There might be some opportunities to get a grant. They opted with the electric route for <br />now. <br />Chair Brown said that they have been working on this sign and this would be large <br />enough to advertise classes, community meetings, etc. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like to ask the community if they would like to <br />turn the lights on the sign off at a certain time. <br />c-2.Northern Human Services Center Park at Cedar Grove <br />The Board received a presentation and reviewed plans for the creation of a Park Master <br />Plan for the Northern (Human Services Center) Park at Cedar Grove; and considered adopting <br />a Preliminary Concept Plan for the Park, with revisions as deemed appropriate, to be used in <br />the Master Plan process. <br />Dave Stancil said that the process calls for a series of community meetings and they <br />recognize this will require extensive advertising. A set of guidelines and operating principles <br />was adopted in June and Chair Brown and Commissioner Halkiotis have been designated to <br />lead this effort. <br />The adoption of a preliminary plan is part of the process. The pre-concept plan tries to <br />use the existing features on the property. The idea is that this will be a framework for further <br />elaboration on park facilities. Topographic and archeological surveys are underway and the <br />results should be ready for the initial community meeting in October. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the septic area and if the whole 12 acres would be <br />taken up by the septic system. Dave Stancil said that they will use about seven acres for the <br />septic system. Commissioner Gordan hopes that if the septic system does not use up the entire <br />site, that other uses be considered. <br />