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Whereas, The Orange County 9-1-1 Center answers over 650,000 phone calls and <br />initiates aver 300,000 responses far citizens in their time of need; <br />Now, Therefore, We, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, hereby proclaim the <br />day of September 11, 2003 as "National 9-1-1 Day" in Orange County, <br />North Carolina in honor and recognition of Orange County's <br />Telecommunicatorsond the vital contributions they make to the safety <br />and well being of our citizens. <br />Adopted this 2"d day of September, 2003 <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he thought about this item more than any other item <br />on the agenda. He appreciates and admires our tele-communicators. He also thought about <br />September 11t" and in general, he hopes it does not become like Memorial Day where it is a <br />time for sales or for people to forget what happened. He said that September 11th is being used <br />as an excuse to diminish our civil liberties, and it is being used as an excuse to attack other <br />countries. He hopes that we cherish the memory of what this is about and we recognize the <br />coincidence of these numbers and safety officials that lost their lives trying to help other people <br />on that day. <br />6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS <br />a. Homestead Park Aquatic Center. <br />The Board received a presentation from the Town of Chapel Hill officials on the <br />Homestead Park Aquatic Center Project, a joint venture of Orange County and the Town of <br />Chapel Hill and considered adoption of the conceptual plan and Water District, with a final report <br />to be brought back for action in late 2003. <br />Recreation and Parks Director Lori Taft introduced Kathryn Spatz, Chapel Hill Director of <br />Recreation and Parks. <br />Kathryn Spatz said that there are two tanks - a 25 meter by 25 yard lap pool and a warm <br />water family teaching pool, which is 10 yards by 25 yards. That is the main part of the building <br />and the rest is infrastructure support. This plan is similar to the aquatic facility at Pullen Park in <br />Raleigh. The source of funding is County bonds and Town bonds. <br />The project planning team voted unanimously to proceed with GGA in construction. <br />They believe that they are about 20 months from starting construction and 18 month from then <br />to opening the building. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that they regarded this group as an outgrowth of the <br />Southern Park planning group that has been working with Chapel Hill. He said that he would be <br />glad to share the opportunity to work on this group with someone else. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked how this would fit with other pools in Chapel Hill and in <br />Orange County. Lori Taft said that she does not have a complete picture. She said that the <br />larger of the two pools should not compete with other pools such as the Spartsplex and it will <br />provide therapeutic recreation. <br />Chair Brown added that there is a need for an adult women's locker room as part of this <br />mix. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the conceptual plan. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />