Minutes - 20030828
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20030828
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Commissioner Gordon asked about the report and where it is. Kate <br />Pullen said that they have the report and there are multiple copies. They are <br />happy to send it out. She thinks that it might not benefit anyone to get into <br />specifics because the bigger broader questions might be helpful. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis thanked Kate Pullen for saying this. He thinks it <br />is important for all parties to step back. He was glad not to have the report <br />beforehand and he thinks that it was a good idea. He thinks it is important to <br />read this report in a calm environment. <br />Kate Pullen said that they do it this way because it works and not <br />because they are afraid of anything that is in it. She said that the HSUS Animal <br />Services Consultation Program is available to Orange County, the task force, and <br />APS however they choose to move forward with this. They also have regional <br />offices around the country and the regional director far the central states, which <br />includes North Carolina, is Phil Snyder. He is in Naperville, Illinois. He <br />communicated with her that he is available to help Orange County. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked how many Commissioners the HSUS <br />interviewed. Kate Pullen said that she interviewed Chair Brown, Commissioner <br />Gordon, and Commissioner Jacobs in person. The other two interviews were <br />done by telephone. She pointed out that she has never had every single County <br />Commissioner want to talk about this except in Orange County. She was <br />impressed by this. <br />Board of Health: <br />Mel Hurston, Chair of the Board of Health, asked about the greatest <br />change that could be made to improve operations and if the report would help the <br />task force be able to discern this. Kate Pullen said that she believes so. She <br />said that strengthening the SOPS (Standard Operating Procedures) was the <br />single most important theme seen in the report. <br />Mel Hurston asked if a building replacement is necessary, then if the <br />report would help us decide how to better use the facilities between now and the <br />time that funding is received for construction. Kate Pullen said that in the <br />preliminary report they tried to convey how the agency could be run in a building <br />that does not allow it. She gave some examples. They did not take any space <br />away from APS, but they said to use it in a different way and manage the animals <br />so that a healthy population is ensured. <br />Mel Hurston asked if the task farces would report directly to the County <br />Commissioners ar if they would work directly with the other boards. Kate Pullen <br />said that they start off with this concept of the task force at the beginning of the <br />report. They generally recommend that the makeup of the task force be one or <br />two representatives from each party (the facility, the Board of County <br />Commissioners, the boards, the community, etc.}. They also recommend same <br />rules and regulations and an MOU for the task force. <br />Mel Hurston said that some were anxious about how we compare to other <br />shelters around the country. He asked how the HSUS would grade our program <br />compared to others that they have seen - from a scale of 1-10. Kate Pullen said <br />that she understands the desire to know where you stand but they do not do that. <br />She cannot give a 1-10 because she does not think it would be fair. She said <br />that the scope of the program that is offered by APS is up there with effort and <br />desire. They are saying to scale back those programs that are not so essential <br />right now and get some things structured in a business plan. <br />
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