Orange County NC Website
S/f/"Lkll'L "S:"15 }'!7 tbi'11) ti'0~: tAUi1~t I~RVIY N[ktL7~iSIT'Ri 819-699-;f314 f0: IZ:3Y9:i(~3'C1 N~ 4 OF Zy <br />13. Please suppf}~ a Iist of 3 commercial references with phcne numbers and contact peaple Qf simi{ar <br />instatlation, <br />15, The succassfut contractor shall be responsible for obtaining ali permits and inspections frarr- Hillsborough <br />and Chape( Hi[) <br />16. Piease direct questions concerning this bid to David Canneit, Purchasing Agent, Orange County Financial <br />Services Services, {919} 245-2651 ar via email at dcannel[ Pf~EFERRED <br />17. THE AM'ERICAN RECOVERY & REINVESTNtENT ACT !S ASOURCE aF FUNDS F4R THIS PR~JEC7 <br />18. Bidder must list their DU ~1S number an ihe bid form dacument ta be considered <br />99. The successful bidder must abide bythe Energy Efficiency and Canservation [~IockGrant GranteeslSpacia) <br />Term~ and Canditions. The ~'erms and C~nditians' can be abtained in any of the foll~w[ng 3 ways: <br />o http:/, BECBG Grantees.pdf <br />a By emailing,us and request[ng a copy <br />~0. HISTORIGALL4` UNDERUTILiZED BU5INESSES: Pursuant to Genecal Statute 143-48 and Executive <br />Order #154, ths State invites and encaur~ges participation in this procurement process by businQSSes <br />owned by minorifies, wamsn, disabled, disabEed business enterprises and non-profit work centers for #he <br />biind and severely disabled. !t is the policy of this State to encourage and promo#e the use af small <br />contractors, rrsinarity vendors, physicaliy handicapped vendors, and women vsndars in State purchasing ofi <br />~UO{IS ~31EI SQfVIC~S. Titie VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1954 mandates that "na person in the United States <br />shall, on the graund of race, co[or, or national origin, ~re exc(uded from participation in, be denied the <br />ben~fits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any pragram ar ~ctiviiy receiving Federal assistance: ` <br />Title Vlt of the Civil Righks Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of the race, colar, religion, sex, <br />or national origin. All vendors should compiy with these federal lav+rs. <br />t3range County hereby noti~ies a!( Bidders that it will affirmatively insur~ that in any contract entered in#o <br />pursuant to this advertisement, minarity business enterprises ravvilt be afforded fiu{1 opportuniiyto submit Bids <br />in respnnse to this Requsst for Praposal, and v~rill no~E be discriminated against on the g~ounds af race, <br />religion, gender, color, national origin, or ancestry in consideration af an award. Bidder hereby agrees that <br />should Bidder be awarded this contract, the Bidder will not discriminate against any persan who perForms <br />work there under because ofi race, religion, gender, color, nationa[ origin, ar ancestry. Furthermore, the <br />Bidder should be an organizatic~n that also practices #he beliefs of equal opportunity in the morals oftheir <br />corr~pany. <br />i~1flR-07-201z 10:26 ~'rom: ID:1111 f'aae:~04 R=93~ <br />