Orange County NC Website
ATTACHMENT - A <br />ESTIMATED COST AND SERVICE QUOTE PROVIDED B~ <br />February 27, 2012 <br />PYOposal For: <br />Orange County Child Support Enforcement <br />3anet Sparks, Keith Chnupa <br />131 West Margaret Lane <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />- Starpoint Global Services ("Starpoint") hereby submits this proposal for the systematic <br />scanning of records belonging to Child Support Enforcement. Thank you for giving Starpoint the <br />opportunity to provide you with this information. <br />Scope of Work <br />Child Support Enforcement desires to improve efFiciencies in it operation. <br />Located at 110 N. Churton St, Hillsborough NC, Child Support Enforcement has: <br />• Approximately 14 filing cabinets of terminated case files <br />• Approximately 4 filing cabinets of financial information <br />Located at 131 W. Margaret Lane, Hillsborough NC, (Its primary location) Child Support <br />Enforcement has: <br />• Approximately 9 filing cabinets of active cases <br />Starpoint will, for the above case information; prepare, scan, index, quality check, and deliver <br />the data equivalent to Child Support Enforcement. Starpoint will image all records using Bowe <br />Bell+Howe11 Spect~uin & Plus Scanners at 200 dpi, utilizing the latest technology available, <br />including ultrasonic multi-feed detection to eliminate missed pages and any possible user error. <br />All docuxnents will be retuxned to their filing cabinets <br />Starpoint will, bring appropriate scanning equipment on site at either location, or establish a <br />mobile unit in order to scan the case files. Starpoint will occupy and operate in the above space <br />between the hours of 8am and no later than Spm. Starpoint may also bring the case files to their <br />main processing facility for imaging. Removal of active case files must be coordinated with <br />Child Support Enforcement in advance. <br />Starpoint will prep, scan, index and QC the equivalent of 1.2 cube box for the purpose of testing <br />and Child Support Enforcement acceptance. <br />