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well as zoning district requirements in the I-$5/Buckhorn Road <br />EDD. <br />Craig Benedict said that if elementary, middle, and secondary schools are added as a <br />class A special use, then special use standards are needed. Smart growth principles <br />are suggested to be added. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if another public hearing would be necessary if smart <br />growth principles were added. Craig Benedict said that it can be included in tonight's <br />discussion and be incorporated into class A special use standards. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to page four of the packet and the 15 criteria for <br />a special use permit for schools. She suggested looking at pages 25-33 to examine the <br />smart growth and other criteria listed there and see if the criteria are relevant for schools. <br />In comparison to the school criteria, the criteria listed an those pages for subdivisions <br />are much more detailed. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that we should incorporate these principles as noted by <br />Commissioner Gordon in our smart growth design for all schools, including the new high <br />school. <br />Chair Brown said that there is a list that staff generated with many items that should be <br />incorporated for smart growth with the schools. <br />Commissioner Halkiatis said that the Board of County Commissioners paid far that list, <br />sa it should be incorporated. <br />There was no public comment for this item <br />Motion: A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by <br />Commissioner Halkiotis to accept the Planning Staff's recommendation to refer <br />the proposed amendment to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be <br />returned no sooner than October 1, 2003. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />4. Amendment to the Land Use Element -Orange County <br />Comprehensive Plan <br />a. Incorporate by reference, the Water and Sewer Management <br />Planning and Boundary Agreement and Map adopted <br />December 3, 2001. <br />Craig Benedict showed the Water and Sewer Management Planning and Boundary <br />Agreement and map. By incorporating this into the land use document, there is another <br />opportunity to help with the water and sewer policies. This agreement would set forth <br />the urban service boundary. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she wonders about the effect of adopting this into the <br />Comprehensive Plan. Craig Benedict said that this map would tell us what would be <br />the maximum limits of water and sewer in the County. <br />