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new subdivision overlay district. His concern is about where these lot number thresholds <br />came from. He is also concerned about the unintended consequences of establishing <br />certain thresholds at certain levels. <br />Chair Brown asked that Jay Bryan's commentary letter be added to the public record. <br />MOTION BY BOCC: A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by <br />Commissioner Gordon to accept the Planning's Staff recommendation to refer the <br />proposed amendments to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be <br />returned no sooner than October 1, 2403. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />2. Text Amendments to Article 6.29.3 of the Orange County Zoning <br />a. Change "Class A Special Use" to "Class B Special Use" when <br />referring to special uses approved by the Board of Adjustment. <br />b. Consider changes (including the addition or deletion of uses) to <br />the Permitted Use Table and changes in process for approval of <br />uses for the I-85/Buckhorn Road Primary Development Area. <br />Craig Benedict made a PowerPoint presentation. The County put together Economic <br />Development Districts in the design manual in 1995 and there has been little if any <br />activity in some of these EDDs. The Buckhorn EDD is entirely a primary use area. <br />Secondary uses could include residential. This item suggests amendments to the <br />permitted use table to suggest new uses and to delete some uses. In this area, <br />vocational schools are permitted, but not public schools. It is suggested to add public <br />schools to this EDD as a special use class A permit. The uses that are being suggested <br />to be deleted include motor freight terminals, storage and distribution of petroleum <br />products, and motor vehicle repair and maintenance. Restaurants within enclosed <br />buildings are acceptable as well as retail, finance, insurance, and real estate. Also, <br />beauty and barbershops, doctors' offices, laboratories, computer programming, etc. <br />These changes are for the Buckhorn EDD. <br />Craig Benedict pointed out an error in the book that refers to class A special use permits <br />going to the Board of Adjustment. Class B goes to the Board of Adjustment and class A <br />goes to the Board of County Commissioners and the Planning Board. <br />Chair Brown asked why automotive uses were being eliminated. Craig Benedict said <br />that this would only include paint and body repair activities. Vehicle maintenance would <br />still be allowed. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 51 of the permitted use table which <br />included vocational schools. She said that the reason we are considering these <br />changes to the permitted uses is because of the desire to site a middle school in the <br />economic development district. She would like the middle school to be in a secondary <br />development area that did not have residential. She does not want to change the entire <br />EDD primary area just to include schools here. She is concerned about all the other <br />permitted uses that would be around a school (i.e., manufacturing) and their effect on <br />the quality of the school. She would prefer having the schools in the secondary EDD <br />area. Commissioner Halkiotis noted that the newest charter school was built at <br />