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FA <br />facilities. From towers to underground to technological advancement of computer /internet <br />services, the MTP can offer a mechanism to promote a policy to plan for the future. The MTP <br />(wireless element) is intended to address the continued protection of the public health, safety <br />and welfare through communication facilities and to create public safety communication <br />opportunities on public property whereby fair and reasonable compensation would be <br />forthcoming. <br />'Local communities are the key to better land use. But first, each must define a vision for the future. <br />This vision includes an inventory of resources, respect for established traditions and articulation of <br />community values. To realize a vision, local leaders must enlist all sectors in devising land use plans <br />and execute those plans with greater efficiency and flexibility. No community retains its character by <br />accident. <br />(Land Use in America, Diamond and Noonan, 1996) <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: <br />No financial impact at this time with human resources being used from existing departments. <br />Eventually, the use of an MTP could provide financial and public benefits. Department <br />involvement would eventually include but not be limited to, Planning and Inspections <br />Department, EMS, Sheriff, IT, Purchasing, Public Works, ERCD, and Parks and Recreation. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): <br />The Manager recommends that the Board consider authorizing staff to develop a Master <br />Telecommunications Plan (Wireless Element) for Public Hearing no sooner than <br />November 13, 2002, and to begin development of remaining MTP elements. <br />