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WHEREAS, educating the people of Orange County including health care providers, about <br />Prostate Cancer and early detection strategies is crucial to saving men's lives and preserving <br />and protecting our families; and, <br />NOW, THEREFORE the Orange County Board of Commissioners does hereby proclaim the <br />month of September 2003 as "Prostate Cancer Awareness Month" in Orange County, and <br />urges all men in Orange County to become aware of their own risks of prostate cancer, talk to <br />their health care providers about prostate cancer and, whenever appropriate, be screened for <br />the disease. The Board further encourages all residents to become involved in the war on <br />prostate cancer through education and advocacy initiatives. <br />This the 19t" day of August, 2003 <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Community Health Center Week <br />The Board considered a proclamation declaring August 25 through 29, 2003 as <br />"Community Health Center Week" in Orange County; and to authorize the Chair to sign the <br />proclamation. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve and authorize the Chair to sign the proclamation as stated below: <br />Commissioner Carey said that this proclamation was brought to the Board at the request <br />of his Board of Directors of Piedmont Health Services. <br />Chair Brawn asked Commissioner Carey to tell haw the system has been expanded. <br />Commissioner Carey said that this type of community health center started as Orange-Chatham <br />Comprehensive Health Services in 1970 in a partnership between UNC and Joint Orange- <br />Chatham Community Action Agency. This was during the war on poverty. There are currently <br />six centers in four different counties -one in Orange County, two in Chatham County, two in <br />Alamance County, and one in Caswell County. They serve 30,000 residents a year. <br />PROCLAMATION <br />"COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER WEEK" <br />IN ORANGE COUNTY <br />August 25 - 29, 2003 <br />WHEREAS, There are a significant number of residents and citizens in Orange County who are <br />currently medically under-served for a number of reasons, the most prominent of which include <br />geographical isolation, financial or language, and insufficient access to affordable health care; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, Community Health Centers, now known as Federally Qualified Health Centers <br />{FG2HC's}, have their origin in the War on Poverty during the 1960's when they were funded by <br />the Office of Economic Opportunity and are now housed and funded by the Department of <br />Health and Human Services, Bureau of Primary Heath Care; and <br />WHEREAS, their mission is to help improve the health of communities by providing access to <br />primary care far needy residents and serve patients without regard to their ability to pay far <br />services; and <br />