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debt service and he believes that this is very consistent with what the Board of County <br />Commissioners wanted. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about addendum B and if it was the school board's <br />intent that if the Board signed it then it would answer the questions about smart growth. Neil <br />Pedersen said that they were putting this forward as a proposal for what would constitute smart <br />growth. He said that the big issue is that they have been asked to build a building with smart <br />growth standards, when the standards have not been defined. This addenda is their effort to <br />identify what the standards might be. He made reference to paragraph six. <br />Commissioner Carey said that these addenda are consistent with the inter-local <br />agreement. He hopes that the school board would accept other recommendations from the <br />Board of County Commissioners during the process related to smart growth. He thinks that <br />these two boards have worked together well in the past and will have to in the future. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked Neil Pedersen to look at the tape of the meeting of the <br />final vote of the inter-local agreement. He said that this is a good documentary of what was <br />decided. He said that he interpreted this as new money. He is concerned about the memo that <br />says, "...would give the Board of Education assurance of the intent of the Board of <br />Commissioners." He said that this goes to the issue of trust. He believes that the Board has <br />treated the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School board fairly and they need to move ahead now. <br />Chair Brown asked if the school board had decided how many students the school is <br />far. Neil Pedersen said that it is designed for $QQ and expandable to 1,2QQ. <br />Chair Brown asked if this was similar to Cedar Ridge as far as expandability. Neil <br />Pedersen said that it is conceptually the same in terms of the starting capacity and it is <br />expandable and the core facilities would accommodate 1,2Q0 students. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that in June, Neil Pederson did not think that the core <br />facilities would accommodate 1,2QQ students. He asked that this be put in writing. He said that <br />the points in the addenda are consistent with what they reaching for. He thinks addendum B is <br />a good start, but it is not the be all and end all of what some of the County Commissioners <br />meant by smart growth principles. He suggested that representatives get together and talk <br />about smart growth and come up with definitions. He suggested getting some experts to talk <br />about smart growth. He spoke to David Salveson with the Center for Urban and Regional <br />Studies at UNC that did a report on "Good Schools, Good Neighborhoods". Also, he spoke to <br />Cara Krisler, who is the director of NC Smart Growth Alliance. Also, DOT Division Engineer <br />Mike Mills is interested in participating. He would like to meet in the next couple of weeks and <br />get some feedback from these experts on the definition of smart growth. <br />John Link recommended that at the conclusion of discussions, that the way to <br />respond back to the school board is by reference in an addendum or as part of the capital <br />project ordinance. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />approve addendum A, with the proviso that the attorneys will work out language to incorporate <br />the $2.2 million that would be relevant under paragraph number three. <br />Chair Brown said that she would like to work out all of the issues first before <br />approving because there is nothing stopping the school system from going ahead. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he agrees with Chair Brawn and they need to have a <br />definition of what they are building instead of saying "initial phase". He would like to have it all <br />in writing. He does not think the Board is holding anything up. <br />Neil Pedersen said that the issue that they are dealing with is that they are planning <br />around the budget and they are not sure which budget to plan around because there is $2.2 <br />million in limbo. He asked that this be pinned down as soon as possible with regard to the $2.2 <br />million. <br />Chair Brown asked Neil Pedersen to check with her calendar when scheduling <br />meetings for the third high school since she is the liaison. <br />