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under Leadership: Reviews policies, and procedures currently used by OPT to assess the <br />organizational approach to human services and public transportation, including the <br />relationship to other transit providers (i.e., Chapel Hill Transit, and Triangle Transit <br />Authority). She also asked about the stakeholders and what Chapel Hill Transit's rate would <br />be in this process. AI Terry said that this was the reason for the extra meeting and it would <br />include other stakeholders and they would not be on the steering committee but would be <br />involved in regional transit. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she thought the Board wanted the consultants to review <br />the relationship to other transit providers and she did not see this listed. She would like it to <br />be part of the charge. AI Terry said that it is in the scope of work, so it can be put in the <br />abstract. <br />Chair Brown said that she has been going to UNC's planning sessions on the Horace <br />Williams Tract and a big piece of it is transportation. She encouraged them to add someone <br />from UNC who is working on the transportation plan for the Horace Williams tract. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to: <br />- Award a proposal far the Community Transportation Improvement Plan (CTIP} to <br />Wilbur Smith Associates of Raleigh, NC, pursuant to WSA's proposal dated May 2003; and <br />- Authorize the Purchasing Director to work with the consultant and OPT staff to finalize <br />terms of an agreement; and <br />-Authorize the Chair to sign the resulting agreement on behalf of the Board; and <br />- Endorse the Steering Team members as indicated; and <br />-Appoint Commissioners Alice Gordon and Barry Jacobs to represent the Board's <br />interests during the Steering Team meetings with the consultants. <br />This motion was subject to the changes as made by Commissioner Gordan above. <br />Chair Brawn suggested inviting the Mayors of the towns. AI Terry said that they are <br />including the two school systems also. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />u. Change in Bt~CC Regular Meeting Schedule <br />The Board considered five changes in the County Commissioners' regular meeting <br />calendar for the year 2003. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the November 20t" work session should just say work <br />session and not a school merger work session. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that of the meetings for the rest of the year, 12 out of the 20 <br />are proposed for Chapel Hill. He asked to have one work session moved back to <br />Hillsborough. Chair Brown said that they could not get the space, but they did try. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he would be absent an September 18t" for the HSUS <br />report public hearing. This meeting will be videotaped. <br />Commissioner Jacobs would still like to keep the September 1St" work session in <br />Hillsborough. John Link said that they would work on another venue. <br />Rod Visser said that the Government Services Center would be way too small to <br />accommodate the people who are interested in this. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that we need to be careful haw we ward things regarding <br />school merger. When he reads the announcements of the meetings, it sounds like the <br />County is moving ahead with school merger. This is information gathering only. The County <br />Commissioners agreed with this concern. <br />The Board agreed to move the September 15t" work session to the Main District <br />Courtroom in Hillsborough. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />amend the regular meeting calendar by adding the following meetings: <br />